释义 |
avoidvt. 1. leave,depart from,quit离开。 △Lr.1.1.126(124):“Hence,and avoid my sight!” 滚,离开我的眼前! △H.VIII.5.1.86: “Avoid the gallery. Ha? I havesaid. Be gone.”离开走廊。哈? 我说过了。走开。 2. shun. evade回避,躲避。 △3H.VI.2.2.136:“But likea foul misshapen stigmatic / Marked by the Destiniesto be avoided / As venom toads or lizards’ dreadfulstings.”而是像一个天生畸形的丑八怪,被命运女神打了烙印,好像癞蛤蟆的毒液或四脚蛇的恶刺,人人见了都要躲开。 △3H.VI2. 6. 65:“’Tis but his policy to counterfeit,/ Becausehe would avoid such bitter taunts/ Which in the timeof death he gave our father.”这不过是他伪装的诡计,因为他想逃避我们父亲临死时从他那里所受到的那些刻毒嘲弄。 3.❶expel,reject 驱逐,抛弃。 ❷make void使空无所有。avoided grace: (abstr. for concr.) one who rejects.or is void of,God’s grace(i.e. Richard III)抛弃或缺乏上帝的仁慈的人(指理查三世)。 △R.III. 4. 4. 219: “True,when avoided grace makes destiny.”不错,当缺乏仁慈的人操纵着命运的时候。 ~ vi. &interj. depart,begone离开,滚开。 △2H.VI.1.4. 43 (40):“False fiend,avoid!”奸诈的魔鬼,滚开! avoid[əˈvɔid]v.避免,消除,躲开,预防,防止,回避 ◇ avoid a contract废止合同 avoid...like the plague极力回避 ◇avoid a bubble economy too many bubbles in economy防止泡沫经济 avoid a tax避税 avoid danger避险 avoid double taxation避免双重征税 avoidable adj.可避免的 avoidable accident可避免的事故 avoidable consequence 可避免的后果avoidable costs可避免成本 avoidable risk可避免风险 avoidance n. avoidance- avoidance conflict 双避冲突 avoidance behaviour回避行为 avoidance behaviour回避行为 avoidance clause 宣告无效的条款 avoidance conditioning 回避条件作用 avoidance learning回避学习 avoidance motive回避动机 avoidance n. 回避,无效,撤销 avoidance of combat 避开战斗 avoidance of contractual liability逃避合同责任 avoidance of double taxation避免双重征税 avoidance of injury and death accident避免伤亡事故 avoidance of policy保单失效 avoidance of responsibility逃避责任 avoidance of tax逃税 avoidance of taxation合法避税 avoidance of the contract合同废止 avoidance reflex 回避反射 avoidance relationship回避 avoidance response回避反应 avoidance training回避训练 avoidance without declaration未经宣告的撤销 planned avoidance有计划的规避 avoidant adj. 回避反应的 avoidless adj.无法避免的 |