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单词 人之常情

人之常情rén zhī cháng qíng

a universal human feeling; what is natural and normal (in human relationships); human nature;there is nothing new or strange about it
❍ 妒忌,本来就是一种恶劣的~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》136) Jealousy was a universal human feeling.
❍ 父亲拦阻,因之杀其父而盗其财,此乃~。(朱素臣《十五贯》20) Since her father stood in her way she killed him and stole his money—that was only to be expected.
❍ 我便写一封信去解释,说初次相会,说话不多,也是~,……(鲁迅《南腔北调集·为了忘却的记念》 53) I wrote back explaining that it was human nature to speak little at a first meeting…/再者,皇亲们都互有牵连,一家有事,大家关顾,也是~。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—740) Besides all the imperial families are related,so it is natural that all feel concerned if one is in difficulty,…/年轻人不满现实,幼稚无知,被人利用也是~……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》202) There is nothing new or strange about young people being dissatisfied with life,and being made use of by others in their naivete and ignorance.


human nature; normal practice; ways of society; what is normal and natural in human relationships
这是~。This is only human. or:It’s only human.

人之常情rén zhī chánɡ qínɡ

指人们通常有的心情。the way of the world, the human nature, natural and normal, a matter of common sense among the people





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