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单词 as


pron. rel.
1. that
△Wiv.5.5.59 (53): “But those as sleep andthink not on their sins.”但是那些在睡前不思量自己过错的人。
△ 1H.IV.4.1.3: “Such attribution should theDouglas have / As not a soldier of this season'sstamp/ Should go so general current through theworld.”道格拉斯理应得到这样的赞辞,就是说:这个时代所铸造出来的军人当中没有哪一个像你的声誉一样在世上到处流通。
2. that they
△Com.1.1. 51: “the one so like theother/ As could not be distinguished but by names.”二人生得一模一样,除了名字不同,再也无法分别。
3. which
△Lr.1. 1. 98 (96):“I/Return those dutiesback as are right fit,” i.e. I repay you by fulfillingthose duties which are right and proper. 我自然要恪遵恰如其分的责任来报答你。
△Lr.1.4.316 (292):“But let hisdisposition have that scope / As dotage gives it.”人老糊涂,让他去任性发脾气好了。(按:As一词又作That。)


△Ham. 4. 7. 157: “When in your motionyou are hot and dry—/As make your bouts more vi-olent to that end—”,你们动起手来一定又热又渴——所以你要奋力搏斗,使他又热又渴。 the same degree同样地。
△H.VIII. 1.2. 83:“whatworst,as oft./ Hitting a grosser quality,is cried upFor our best act”我们所做的最坏的事,也同样常常因为投合了性格卑下的人的心意,而被当做我们的最好行为加以赞扬。
3. namely即,也就是说。
△Ham.1.4. 25:“As,in theirbirth.”也就是说.天生如此。
△3H.VI.5.7.7:“Two Clif-fords. as the father and the son:”两位克利福.即那父子二人。


1. as for instance,such as例如.如像。
△As.2.1.6:“as the icy fang/And churlish chiding of the winter’swind,”例如朔风的冰冷的毒牙和粗暴的怒号。
△As.4.3143(141): “As how I came into that desert place—”例如我是怎样来到这荒凉的地方。
△Mac.5.3.24: “Andthat which should accompany old age,/ As obedience,troops of friends. / I must not lookto have:”凡是应该伴随老年的那些东西,例如尊荣、敬爱、服从和大群的朋友,我都没有希望得到了。
△H. VIII.4.1.88:“Asholy oil,Edward Confessor’s crown,/The rod. andbird of peace,and all such emblems / Laid nobly onher;”例如圣油,圣王爱德华的金冠,宝杖,和平鸽,以及所有这样的标志都庄严地加在她的身上。
△H.V.2.Cho.6:“Following the mirror ofall Christian kings,/ With winged heels,as EnglishMercuries. ”脚下生了翅膀,像英国的神使,追随那位基督教国王中的完美典范。
△Mac.2.2.54 (50): “The sleepingand the dead /Are but as pictures; ’tis the eye ofchildhood / That fears a painted devil.” (She askswhy he should be afraid of the sleeping grooms andthe dead King.)睡着的和死了的人不过像图画一样;只有童稚的眼睛才怕看画中的魔鬼。
like as: just as正像。
△1H.VI.5.5.5:“And,like asrigour of tempestuous gusts /Provokes the mightiesthulk against the tide,”正像阵阵猛烈的风暴把一艘巨大的船推向狂涛怒浪。
3. for因为。
△1H.IV.3.1. 22 (21): “And I say theearth was not of my mind,/If you suppose as fearingyou it shook.”如果你认为大地因为害怕你而发抖,我可要说它跟我意见不同。
4. from being由于。
△R.III.3.7.207 (208): “If yourefuse it— as ,in love and zeal,/ Loath to deposethe child.your brother’s son;”要是你拒绝了——因为出于友爱和热忱,你不忍废黜那个孩子,你哥哥的儿子。
△Rom. 5.3.247:“That he should hither comeas this dire night”,叫他就在这个可怕的夜晚到这里来。 place of,instead of代替。
△Lr.1.3.20(19):“Old fools are babies again,and must be used/Withchecks as flatteries,when they are seen abused.”年老的傻瓜就又是小娃娃,眼见得纵容坏了,就不能姑息,而要管教(又译:就不能一味姑息,也得管教)。


1. that以至于。
△Gent.2.4. 138 (137):“And hath sohumbled me as I confess/There is no woe to his cor-rection,”已经使我如此屈服,我承认受他的惩罚乃是最大的苦痛。
△L.L.L.2.1. 172:“But here without you shall beso received/As you shall deem yourself lodged in myheart.”但是你在这外面所接受的招待将会使你觉得你是栖息于我的心灵深处。
△Shr.1.1.32:“So devote to Aristotle’schecks/As Ovid be an outcast quite abjur’d.”如此忠实于亚里士多德的训诫以致把奥维德弃若敝屣。
△1H.Ⅵ.3.1.14:“No,prelate,such is thy audacious wickedness,/Thy lewd,pestiferous,and dissentious pranks,/ Asvery(i.e. that even) infants prattle of thy pride.”不,教士,你的大胆的罪行,你那些卑劣、恶毒、制造纠纷的把戏太过分了,以至于就连小孩子都在不断说起你的骄横。
△1H.Ⅵ.5.142: “I have informed his Highness so at large/ As,liking of the lady’s virtuous gifts,/Her beauty,andthe value of her dower,/He doth intend she shall beEngland’s queen.”我已经完全报告给陛下,所以,他对于这位姑娘秉性贤淑,相貌美丽和嫁妆丰厚都感到喜悦,有意娶她为英国王后。
△1H.Ⅵ.5.4.113:“If we conclude a peace,/Itshall be with such strict and severe covenants,/ Aslittle shall the Frenchmen gain thereby.”如果我们达成了和议,那也一定会规定有严格而又严厉的条件,使法国占不了什么便宜。
△2H.Ⅵ.2.4.44: “Yet so he ruled,and sucha prince he was,/ As he stood by,whilst I,his for-lorn duchess,/ Was made a wonder and a point-ing-stock/To every idle rascal follower.”但是他是这样统治国家,他是这么一位亲王,当我,他这不幸的公爵夫人,被人强迫着当众出丑,还受到每一个游手好闲的贱民跟随着指指点点嘲笑时,他却只是袖手旁观。
2. so that结果是,以致。
△Shr. Ind.I.69: “My lord,Iwarrant you we will play our part/As he shall thinkby our true diligence/He is no less than what we sayheis. ”老爷,我保证我们一定卖力气扮演,让他觉得他真是我们说的那种人物。
3. when,whenever,at such times as当,一当,到…时。
△Ham.1.3.2: “And,sister,as the winds givebenefit/And convoy is assistant,”妹妹,一当好风给人方便.
△2H.IV. 5. 5. 73 (68): “And as we hear you doreform yourselves,”等我听说你们都改过自新了。
4. as when像在…的时候。
△Ham.3.4.134(135): “Myfather,in his habit as he lived!”我的父亲,穿着他活着那时候的服装!
5. inasmuch as,since只要,既然。
△Mac.1.7.77:“Who dares receive it other,/ As we shall make ourgriefs and clamour roar/Upon his death?” 只要我们一得他的死讯就万分悲痛,大哭大嚷,还有谁敢不相信呢?
6. for indeed因为。
△Ham. 4. 7. 58:“As how shouldit be so?”因为怎么会是这样呢?
❷ (with aplay on) asses(谐音双关)驴子。
△Ham.5.2.43: “Andmany such-like As-es of great charge.”还有许多诸如此类用“因为”开头的极为重要的条款。
7. as if好像,仿佛。
△Com.1.1.107: “Her part,poorsoul! seeming as burdened/With lesser weight,”她的那一部分(破碎的桅杆),可怜的人! 分量好像较轻。
△Gent.1.2.107:“As in revenge of thy ingratitude,”好像是为了报复你的薄情。
△Shr.1.2.158 (154): “I’ll plead foryou/As for my patron”,我要把你当做我的恩人一样为你说话。
△Shr.2.1.160(159): “As had she studied to
misuse me so.”好像她是存心要这样侮辱我。
△Mid. 2. 1.160: “As it should pierce a hundred thousand hearts;”好像它能刺透十万颗心的样子。
△Ham.2.1.91 (88): “As’a would draw it.”好像他要把它画下来。
△Ham.4.5.103(104):“And as the world were now but to begin,”仿佛世界还不过刚刚开始。
△Mac.2.2. 29 (25): “As theyhad seenme with these hangman’s hands.”好像他们看见了我这一双刽子手一般的血手。
△Mac.2.4.5:“as trou-bled with man’s act,”好像对于人类演的戏(双关:人类的行为)感到不安。
△R.III.3.5. 61 (62): “But,my goodlord,your Grace’s words shall serve/As well as I hadseen,and heard him speak;”但是,我的好大人,阁下说一句话就足够了,那就好像跟我亲眼看见、亲耳听他招供一样。
△2H.Ⅵ.1.1.188 (187): “As stout and proud as hewere lord of all.”他专横而骄傲,仿佛他就是大家的主子。
△H.Ⅷ.3.1.6: “To his music plants and flowersEver sprung,as sun and showers/There had made alasting spring.”他的琴声能使草木鲜花滋长,好像太阳一出,甘霖普降,给那里带来永远灿烂的春光。
as... were: as if... were,as if there were...仿佛…是,仿佛有…
△H.V.2.4.20:“As were a war in expec-tation.”仿佛战争就迫在眉睫似的。
8. though虽然,尽管。
△As. 3. 3. 54 (51): “As hornsare odious,they are necessary.”角(绿头巾)虽然令人讨厌,却也是不可避免的。
9. according as根据…
△H.V.2.1.104 (98): “Asmanhood shall compound.”那就根据勇气来决定。Phrases & Expressions:
as…as: though,however尽管,不管怎样。
△H.V.41.119(113): “He may show what outward courage hewill; but I believe,as cold a night as ’tis (i.e. thoughthe night is so cold),he could wish himself in Thamesup to the neck;”他尽可以在外表上装出勇敢的样子;但是我相信,哪怕在这样寒冷的夜晚,他也宁愿让自己齐着脖子浸在太晤士河里。
as good: as well同样。
△Rom.3.5.226 (224):“Yourfirst is dead,or ’twere as good he were”,i.e. Yourfirst husband,Romeo,is dead,or he might as well bedead because he is forced to live in Mantua.你的第一个丈夫已经死了,或者说跟死了一样。
as if that: as if好像。
△R.Ⅲ.4.4. 222: “You speakas if that I had slain my cousins.”你这样说,仿佛是我杀了我的侄儿们。
as lief: as soon,as gladly宁可,宁愿。
△Shr. 1.1.134(131): “I had as lief take her dowry with this condi-tion:”我宁愿在另外一个条件之下来取得她的那份嫁奁。
as to: ❶so as to,in order to以便,为了。
△1H.Ⅵ. 54.141: “Shall I,for lucre of the rest unvanquished,/Detract so much from that prerogative/ As to becalled but viceroy of the whole?”难道我,为了获得其余尚未光复的领土,就这样减损我的国王尊位,以至于只能称作法国全境的总督吗?
❷with respect to关于。
△Oth.3. 3. 131:“Iprithee speak to me as to thy thinkings,”我请你把你的想法都对我说出来。
as well: in addition另外,又。
△Lr.1.4.1:“If but aswell I other accents borrow,”如果我(除了化装)能再借用另外的口音。
as who should say: as if one were to say好像说。
△Shr.4.3.13:“As who should say,if I should sleepor eat. / ’Twere deadly sickness,or else presentdeath.”好像说,我一睡觉或者一吃东西,就会得了不治之症或者立即死亡。


adv.prep. conj.& pron.像…样,如同,当…时候,由于
◇ as a matter of common knowledge众所周知
as agreed by the leading underwriter经首席承保人同意
as agreed upon根据协议
as appropriate酌情
as …as possible尽可能,愈…愈好
as everyone knows众所周知
as much as one likes纵情
as open as the day光明正大
as per account rendered根据发送的账单
as defined in article…按第…条所规定
as good as事实上,几乎as guest客串
as-if character仿佛性格
as-if personality仿佛人格
as it is本事
as of right依法所得的
as per按照
as the case may be视情况
as yet到现在为止,迄今


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