释义 |
才(Ⅱ纔)cáiⅠ ❶ (才能) ability;talent;gift;endowment: 德 ~ 兼备 have both ability and political integrity; 多 ~ 多艺 be gifted in many ways ❷ (有才能的人) capable person: 奇 ~ unusual [remarkable] talent; 人 ~ a person of talent;talent 人 ~ 难得 a person of rare talent ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 宽 Cai Kuan Ⅱ ❶ (表示事情在前不久发生;刚刚): 节目 ~ 开始。 The performance has just started. 怎么,~ 来就要走? Why leave so soon? You've only just arrived. ❷ (表示事情发生或结束得晚): 你怎么 ~ 来? Why are you so late? 他昨天 ~ 离开大连。 He left Dalian only yesterday. ❸ (表示只有在某种条件下,或由于某种原因、目的、然后怎么样,前面常有“只有、必须、因为、由于” 等配合): 非要等起重机来了 ~ 能装运吗? Must we wait till the crane arrives before we start loading? 只有肯努力,~ 能得到好的学习成绩。 Only you study hard can you get good results. ❹ (对比起来表示数量小,次数少,能力差等等): 解放前全国钢年产量最高 ~ 九十多万吨。 Before liberation,China's highest annual output of steel was only just over 900,000 tons. 当时他 ~ 五岁。 He was only five years old then. ❺ (表示强调所说的事,句尾常用“呢”字): 麦子长得 ~ 好呢! The wheat is coming along fine. 他要是不知道 ~ 怪呢! It would be strange if he didn't know. 屋子里不热,外面 ~ 热呢! It is not hot in the house,but it's really hot outside. ◆才笔 literary talent; 才干 ability;competence;capability; 才高八斗 a man of great talents [abilities];endowed with extraordinary [unusual literary] talents;have profound learning; 才华 literary or artistic talent;rich talent;talent;gifts;brilliance (of mind); 才华横溢 full of wit [talent];scintillating with wit;have super talent; 才略 ability and sagacity (in political and military affairs); 才貌 talent and appearance; 才貌双全 endowed with both beauty and talent;be as wise as fair;be both beautiful and accomplished;be beautiful and highly gifted;be endowed with both wit and beauty;both beautiful and talented;both pretty and clever;both talented and good-looking;having both looks and real talent;One's education and appearance left nothing to be desired.;talented and handsome; 才能 talent;ability;gift;aptitude;capability; 才女 talented woman; 才气 literary talent; 才情 brilliant expression of emotions; 才人 (见 “才子” );(古代宫中的女官) a rank of ladies- in-waiting; 才识 ability and insight; 才疏学浅 have little talent and less learning;be crude and unlearned;One's ability is inferior and one's knowledge limited.;wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge;have slight talent and superficial learning; 才思 [书] brilliant thought;imaginative power;creativeness; 才望 talent and prestige; 才学 talent and learning;(intelligence and) scholarship; 才艺 talent and skill; 才智 ability and wisdom;intelligence;brilliance; intellect [wisdom];One's talent and ability excel the average.; 才子 gifted scholar; 才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies (in Chinese romances);a handsome scholar and a pretty girl;scholar and beauty;Atrephon and Chole;genius and beauty;the wit and beauty |