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单词 才子佳人

才子佳人cái zǐ jiā rén

brilliant (/gifted/handsome/talented/young) scholars and beautiful(/lovely/pretty) girls (/ladies); genius and beauty; scholars and beauties
❍ 清风明月常如此,~倍有之。(《儒林外史》381)May soft breeze and brilliant moon remain unchanged; for a brilliant scholar is matched with a beautiful girl.
❍ 果然,这很打动了~们的芳心,流行得很广很广。(鲁迅《二心集·上海文艺一瞥》85) Sure enough,this story touched the sensitive hearts of scholars and beauties,and was very widely read.
❍ 贾母笑道: “这些书就是一套子,左不过是些佳人才子,最没趣儿。……” (《红楼梦》683) “There’s a sameness about all these tales,”complained the old lady. “And they are so stereotyped—all about talented scholars and lovely ladies.…”

才子佳人cai zi jia ren

genius and beauty

才子佳人cai zi jia ren

genius and beauty

才子佳人cái zǐ jiā rén

有学问的男子和美貌的女子。gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, be talented scholars and lovely ladies





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