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单词 after


a. following随后的。
△Oth.1.3.35:“Have thereinjointed them with an after fleet.” i.e. Have therejoined together with a following fleet.已经在那里和殿后的另一支舰队会合。


ad. afterwards,at a later time以后,后来。
△Ham.3.2.91 (86): “And after we will both our judgementsjoin/In censure of his seeming.”过后我们再把各人观察的结果综合起来,对于他的表现下一个判断。
△Oth.1.3. 299(297): “And bring them after in the best advantage.”随后一有顺便机会就送她们前来。
△Oth.1.3.308 (306):“If thou dost,I shall never love thee after.”你要是真去,我以后就再也不爱你了。
△Lr.5.3.242 (241): “Theone the other poisoned for my sake. /And after slewherself.”这一个为了我的缘故毒死了那一个,然后她也自杀了。
△H.V.4.1.210(195):“If I live to see it,I will nevertrust his word after.”如果我活着见到这种事,我以后就永远再不相信他的话。
△H.V.4.2.57:“Shall we go send(=go to send) them dinners and fresh suits,/ And givetheir fasting horses provender. / And after fight withthem?”我们要不要先去给他们送些饭和新衣服,给他饥饿的马送些粮秣,然后再跟他们打仗?
△1H.VI.3.4.45: “And aftermeet you,sooner than you would.”以后跟你会面,我会比你到得更快。
△As.5.4.179(172):“And after,every ofthis happy number/That have endured shrewd daysand nights with us,/Shall share the good of our re-turned fortune.”然后,在这幸运的一群中,每一个曾经跟着我忍受过艰苦辛酸日子的人,都可以分享我失而复得的荣华富贵。


1. according to按照,根据。
△Ham.2.2.561 (529):“useevery man after his desert,and who shall ’scape whip-ping? Use them after your own honour and dignity—the less they deserve,the more merit is in your boun-ty.”若是按照各人的本分去对待他,谁能逃得了一顿鞭子? 你要按照你自己的体面和身份去对待他们;他们愈是不配,愈使你的宽厚显得高尚。
△Mac.5.1.15(14): “That,sir,which Iwill not report after her.”i.e.Something,sir,whichI will not repeat as she said it. 这,先生,我却不愿照她说的那样转述。
△Lr.1.2.110 (98):“Frame the business af-ter your own wisdom.”你自己见机行事好了。
△2H.IV.5.2.127: “and to rase out/Rotten opinion,who hathwrit(= written) me down/ After my seeming.”抹掉根据我的外表就对我做出判断的那些流言飞语。
2. following,in pursuit of追随,追赶。
△Lr.1.4.339(314): “You,sir,more knave than fool,after yourmaster.”i.e. go after or follow your master.你呀,七分坏蛋,三分傻子,跟你的主人去吧。
△Lr.4. 5. 15: “I mustneeds after (i.e. follow) him,madam,with my let-ter.”夫人,我必须拿着这封信去追他。
3. i.e. go after追上。
△1H.Ⅳ.1. 3. 126:“I will afterstraight”. i.e.I will go after him immediately.我要立刻追上他。
4.i.e. come after. follow随后,跟随。
△Rom.5.3.164:“To help me after?”帮助我随你而去。
after all: last of all and most important最后(而且最重要的)。
△H.V.4.1. 323 (303): “Though all that I cando is nothing worth,/Since that my penitence comesafter all,/Imploring pardon.”不过我所做的这一切并没有多大价值,因为.说到最后,我自己还要忏悔.恳求上天宽恕。
after these ways: in this way,in this manner以这种方式,照这个样子。
△Mac.2.2.34 (30):“These deeds mustnot be thought/After these ways;”这些事不可照这样子去想。


adv. &后来,然后
afterword n.编后记
prep.& conj.在…以后,与…一致…命名,后来,追求,追随,模仿,尽管
adj. 以后的,后部的
◇after a fashion马马虎虎,勉强
after all毕竟
after a sort稍微,相当
after one’s heart完全符合自己的心意
after sb.’s fancy合某人的意
after the fashion of模仿
be after追求,寻求
‖ after accounting for the price rising扣除物价上涨因素
after-acquired property clause 后取得财产条款
after action report 战斗后报告
after arrival到达后
afterbeat n. 拍后音
afterbirth n. 遗腹子,胎盘
after body机尾,船体后半部
after bottom center下死点 后
afterburner n. 加 力 燃 烧室
afterburner flying 加力飞行
aftercare n.释放后安置,事后照顾
after charge附加费
afterclap n.意外事件
after cockpit后座舱
after consent事后承诺
afterdeck n.后甲板
after delivery交货后,交付后
after discharge 后放
after-effect behaviour事后行为
after exposure后期曝光
after fixing后期定影
after hatch后舱口
afterhours adj.业余的
after-hours dealing收市后交易
afterimage n.余像
after inhibition后抑制
afterlife n. 来世,晚年
after market二级市场,后续市场,销售后市场
aftermath[ˈɑ:ftəmæθ]n .后果,余波
after miniature后期模型接景法
after only experiment 后测实验,后置实验
afterpiece n. 余兴戏,短剧
after regeneration 伐后更新法
After-sale Service Department售后服务部
after-sale services售后服务
after-sales service station售后服务站
after school放学
after-school activity 课外活动
after-school center课外活动中心after-school tutoring 课外辅导
after season 淡季
aftersensation n.残留感觉
after service售后服务
after service export后续服务出口
after sight见票后(即付)after sight bill见票后即付汇票
after tests事后测试
after the fact犯罪事后
after the referee’s signal晚于裁判发出的信号
aftertaste n. 回味,余韵
after-tax income税后收入
after-tax loan repayment税后还贷
after-tax profits税后盈利,税后利润,税后溢利
after-tax real rate of return税后实际回报率
after-tax salary 税后 工资
after-tax yield税后收益
after-test design后测设计
afterthought n. 回想,追悔,再思
after top cenler上死点后
after word编后记





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