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单词 发愤图强

发愤图强fā fèn tú qiáng

aim high and work hard; be determined to exert oneself; be determined(/resolve/strive/endeavour/work energetically/work with a will) to make the country strong; work with stamina for the prosperity of the country
❍ 我们要~,赶超世界先进水平。We must be determined to exert ourselves to catch up with and surpass advanced world levels.
❍ 中国人民~,一定能够战胜一切困难和障碍,完成历史赋予我们的使命。The Chinese people,working energetically,will surely be able to surmount all difficulties and obstacles and fulfil the task history has entrusted to us.


work with a firm will to make the country strong; make determined efforts to upgrade oneself

发愤图强愤(奋)fā fèn tú qiánɡ

发愤:决心努力。图:图谋。下定决心,设法使自己强大起来。work with a will to make the country strong, aim high and work hard, rise in great vigour, bring oneself to make the country strong





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