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单词 water
释义 water1 /'W3:ta (r); 'wot/ n 1 [U] liquid (HQ) as in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans: 水 (HQ): W~ is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold. 水加热则变为蒸气,冷却则结为冰。 .Fis/r live in (the) ~. 鱼生活在水中。 by ~, by boat, ship, barge, etc. 由水路; 乘船。 deep ~(s), experiencing or undergoing difficulty or misfortune. 遭遇困难或不幸。 in smooth ~, making smooth or easy progress. 进展顺利地。 I the ~, in a boat, etc. 在船 (等) 上。 under flooded: 被水淹的: The fields were under ~ after the heavy rain. 大雨后田地为水所淹。 be in/get into hot ~, have/ get into trouble (esp because of foolish behaviour, etc). 陷于困境 (尤指因愚蠢行为等所致) 。 cast/ throw one's bread upon the ~ fs), do a good action without requiring reward, although later some unexpected return may come. 不求报酬做善事; 积阴德。 drink the ~s, go to a spa where there are mineral ~s and drink them for one's health. 至矿泉处饮矿泉水 (以维护健康) 。 go through fire and ~ (for sb/sth). undergo severe hardship and trials. (为某人或某事) 赴汤踏火; 历经千辛万苦。 hold ~, (of a theory, etc) be sound when tested. (指理论等) 有道理; 站得住脚; 说得通。 keep one's head above ~, avoid (esp financial) troubles or misfortunes. 尽力避免 (尤指财务上的) 亏欠或损失; 不举债。 make ~, a pass urine from the bladder. 小便; 撒尿。 b (of a ship) have a leak. (指船) 漏水。 spend money, etc like ~, extravagantly. 挥霍无度; 挥金如土。 throw cold ~ on (a plan, etc), discourage (it). (为一项计划等) 浇冷水。 tread ~, ctread, vi, v/ (4). like a fish out of ~, feeling uncomfortable, behaving awkwardly, because of unaccustomed surroundings, an unfamiliar situation, etc. 如出水之鱼; 因处生疏环境而感觉不自在或 TN- Still run deep, (prov) Beneath a quiet manner there may be depths of emotion, knowledge, cunning, etc. (谚) 静水流深; 沉着的举止可能蕴函深厚的感情、知识、谋略等。 written in ~ (of a name, reputation, etc) soon forgotten; transient. (指声名亨) 昙花一现的; 转瞬即逝的。 ~ the brain/knee, etc, morbid accumulation of fluid. 水脑 (膝关节等水肿 ) → the ~s of forgetfulness, oblivion. 忘却; 湮灭。 'table/'mineral ~s, with a mineral ingredient, bottled for use at table. (餐桌上用的瓶装) 矿泉水。 back-, O back' (3). 2 [U] the state of the tide: 潮位; 潮: at high/low ~; 在蒿 (低) 潮; high/low , ~ mark. 高 (低) 水位标。 in /ow ~, (fig) short of money. (喻) 缺钱。 3 (pl) seas as indicated by a preceding word: (复) (由前面的字说明之) 海; 海域: Korean ~s, on the seas near Korea; 在盆菌附近的海面; a ship for service in Home ~s, on the seas near the country to which the ship belongs. 航行近海的船。 4 (usu pl) mass of ~: (通常用复数) 河; 湖; 泽; 大片的水; 洪水: the (head-) ~s of the Nile, the lake from which it flows. 尼罗河的河源。 The ~s of the lake flow out over a large waterfall. 湖水流经一处大瀑布直泻而下。 5 [U] solution of a substance in ~: 溶液: 'lavender- ~ 薫衣草香水; 'rose- ~, etc. 玫瑰香水等。 6 of the first ~, of the finest quality: 最佳品质的; 第一等货色的: a diamond of the first 最佳品质的钻石。 7 (in compounds) (用于复合字中) '~bird n kinds of bird that swim or wade in (esp fresh) ~. 水鸟; 水仓 (尤指栖于淡水中者) 。 ' ~- biscuit n thin, hard biscuit made of flour and ~, usu eaten with butter and cheese. 一种薄而硬的饼干 (以面粉和水制成,通常加奶油及干酪食用) 。 ' ~- blister n blister on the skin containing a colourless liquid, not blood. (皮肤上的) 水疱。 '~-borne adj a (of goods) carried by ~. (指货物) 由水路运宗的。 b (of diseases) passed on by the use of contaminated drinking- ~. (指疾病) 由饮水传染的。 '~-bottle n a glass container for ~ at table or in a bedroom. 玻璃水瓶。 b metal flask (US 美 - canteen) for use by a soldier, scout, etc. (兵士、童军等使用的) 水壶。 '~-buffalo n the common domestic buffalo of India, Indonesia, etc. 水牛。→ the illus at domestic. 参看 domestic 之插图。 '■butt, butt' (2). '~cannon, high-pressure hose, for forcing a jet of ~, eg to disperse rioters. 水炮 (喷射高压水流的管道, 如用以驱散暴乱人群者) 。 ' ~- cart n cart with a tank for ~, either for sale or for sprinkling on dusty roads, etc. 运水车。 ' ~- chute n sloping channel leading to ~, down which boats, toboggans, etc slide, eg at a fun fair. (乐园等中供人驾小舟、长橇等自高处滑到水面之) 滑槽。 ' ~- closet n (common abbr 通常略作 WC) small room with a pan in which matter evacuated from the bowels may be flushed down a drain-pipe by ~ from a cistern. (有抽水设备的) 厕所。 '~colour (US = -color) n a (pl) paints (to be) mixed with ~, not oil. (复) 水彩; 水彩颜料。 b picture painted with ~-colours.. 水彩画。 c (pl or sing) the art of painting such pictures. (U数或单数) 水彩画法。 ' ~-course n (channel of a) brook or stream. 河; 溪; 水道; 河床。 ~ cress n [U] creeping plant that grows in running ~, with hot-tasting leaves used in salads. 水芥子 (生于流动水中的攀爬植物,叶有辣味,用于生菜食品) 。 ' ~ diviner, → diviner, '~fall n [C] fall of ~, esp where a river falls over rocks or a cliff. 疗布。 '~-finder n dowser, → dowsing. 探寻地下水脉或矿脉者。 '~fowl n (collective pl) ~birds, esp those that swim, considered as suitable for shooting by sportsmen. (集合复数) 水鸟; 水禽 (尤指能游泳,被认为适于猎杀者) o ' ~- front n land at the ~ 's edge, esp the part of a town facing the sea, the harbour, a lake, etc. (尤指都市靠近海、海港、湖等的) 滨水区; 海边; 江边; 湖滨 (等) 。 '~-glass n [U] thick liquid used for coating eggs to keep them in good condition. 水玻璃 (用以涂在蛋上以保持其新鲜) 。 '~hen n = moorhen, cmoor1, '~hole n shallow depression in which ~ collects (esp in the bed of a river otherwise dry, and to which animals go to drink). 水洞 (尤指河床干涸时之低洼积水部分,为动物饮水处) 。 ' ~ ice n [C] frozen ~ with sugar and fruit-juices or other flavouring. 冰糕 (由糖、果汁或其他调味品凝冻而成) 。 '~-jacket n case filled with ~ and fitted over part of a machine which is to be kept cool. (附装于机器某部分而有散热作用的) 水套; 冷却筒管。 ' ~ jump n obstacle (in show-jumping, steeplechases) of a ditch or water, usu with a fence, over which horses jump. (障碍赛马等中,马需要跃过的) 水障碍 (沟渠或水滩等) 。 '~level n surface of ~ in a reservoir or other body of ~, esp as a datum for measurement. 水平面; 水准。 '~-lily n kinds of plant with broad, flat leaves floating on the surface of the ~, and white, blue or yellow flowers. 睡莲。'line n line along which the surface of the ~ touches a ship's side: 船的吃水线; 水线: the load ~-line, when the ship is loaded; 船装载后的水线; 载货水线; the light —line, when the ship is empty of cargo. 船未载货时的水线; 未载货水线。 '~-logged /-logd US: -lagd; -zlagd/ adj a (of wood) so saturated with ~ that it will barely float. (指木材) 吸饱水的 (几乎浮不起) 。 b (of a ship) so full of ~ that it will barely float. (指船) 漏水严重的; 进水太多几乎浮不起的。 c (of land) thoroughly soaked with ~. (指土地) 被水浸透了的; 泥津的。'main n main pipe in a system of ~-supply. 自来水的主管。 '~man /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) boatman; man who manages a boat for hire; ferryman. 船夫; 舟子; 渡船夫。 '~mark n 1 manufacturer's design in some kinds of paper, seen when the paper is held against light. 纸上的水印; 透明花纹 (迎光时可见) 。 2 mark which shows how hijh ~ (eg the tide, a river) has risen or how lov it has fallen. (潮水,河道等处的) 水位标; 水量标。 '~melon n large, smooth-skinned melon with juicy pink or red flesh; trailing plant bearing such melons. 西瓜; 西瓜藤。 '~mill n mill whose machinery is turned by ~-power. 水车; 水磨。 ,■~-nymph n nymph associated with a river, lake, etc “水中女仙; 水精; 水仙。 '~polo n [U] game played by two teams of swimmers who try to throw a ball into a goal. 水球。'power n [U] power obtained from flowing or falling ~, used to drive machinery or generate electric current. 水力 (用以推动机器或发电) 。 ~ proof adj which does not let ~ through: 不透水的; 防水的: ~ proof material. 防水料子; 防水布。 n ~ proof coat; raincoat. 雨衣; 防水装。 vt make ~ proof. 使防水; 使不透水。 '~-rat/-vole n rat-like animal frequenting ~. 河鼠。 '~late n (GB) charge made (usu quarterly) for the use of ~ from a public —supply. (英) 自来水费 (通常按季计算) 。 ~ shed n line of high land separating river systems; (fig) dividing line between events which take different courses. 分水线; 分水界; (喻) 事件的分界线 (许多事件间各事件个别发展的基点) 。 '~-side n margin of the sea, a river, lake, etc: (海、河、湖等的) 水滨; 水边: go for a stroll along the ~ side. 沿水滨散去。 '~-skiing n the sport of skiing on ~ while being towed at speed by a fast motorboat. 滑水运动 (由汽艇以高速拖着在水上滑行) 。 ' ~- skin n skin bag for carrying ~. (携水用的)革制水袋。 '~-softener n device or substance for removing the causes of hardness in (除去硬水中矿物质的) 软水剂; 软水装置。 '~spaniel n kind of spaniel that can be trained to swim out and bring back ~ fowl, etc shot down by sportsmen. 水犬 (一种长毛垂耳狗,经过训练后能游水取回射落水面之水鸟等) 。 ' ~- spout n a pipe or spout f rom which ~ is discharged, eg rainwater from a roof. 排水管; 排水槽; 排水口 (如用以排除屋顶之雨水) 。 b whirlwind over the sea which draws up a whirling mass of ~ so as to look like a funnel-shaped column of ~ going up to the clouds. (海上龙卷风旋起的) 旋水柱; 海龙卷。'supply n system of providing and storing ~, amount of ~ stored, for a district, town, building, etc. 给水系统; 供水; 自来水; 自来水储存量。 |~.table n level below which the ground is saturated with 地下水位: The ~ table has been lowered by drought. 干旱已使地下水位降低了。 ' ~- tight 1 made, fastened, etc so that ~ cannot get in or out: 不透水的; 防水南; 水密的; 不漏水的:~; tight boots/joints/compartments in a ship. 不透水靴 (水密接合; 水密小船室) 。 2 (fig, of an agreement, etc) drawn up so that there can be no escape from any of the provisions; leaving no possibility of misunderstanding. (喻,指合约等) 无漏洞的; 严谨的; 无误解之可能的。 ' ~- tower n one which supports a large tankwhich secures pressure for distributing a ~-supply. 自来水塔。 '■~-waggon (US = -wagon) n ~ ~-cart: on the -waggon, cwaggon (1). r way n navigable channel (eg a canal, channel up a river where the ~ is deep enough for ships). 航路; 航道; 水路。 '~-wheel n one turned by a flow of ~, used to work machin ery (借水流之力旋转以推动机器的) 水轮。 '~wings n pl floats worn on the shoulders by a person learning to swim. (M 习游泳者套在双肩上的) 浮水圈。 ~ works n (with sing or pl v) (用单数或复数动词) 1 system of reservoirs, pumping stations, ~-mains, etc for supplying ~. 自来水厂。 2 orna-mental fountains. (UM 性质的) 人工喷泉。 3 (colloq) (working of the) bladder: (U)膀胱 (的功隹) .Are your ~ works all right? Can you pass urine normally? 你的膀胱功能正常吗? (你排尿正常吗?) 4 (colloq) tears: (俗) 眼泪: turn on the ~ works, shed tears. 淌眼泪凄食。 ,~-worn adj (of rocks, etc) made smooth by the action of ~. (指岩石等) 水蚀的 (因水的作用而被磨得平滑的) 。




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