研[硏]yán ❶ (细磨) grind; pestle: ~ 成粉末 grind into fine powder; ~ 墨 rub an ink stick on an inkslab (to prepare ink for brush writing) ❷ (研究) study: 钻 ~ study intensively 另见 see also yàn。 ◆研究 study; research; consider; discuss; deliberate; 研究班 tutorial class; 研究生 postgraduate (student); graduate student; 研磨 grind; pestle; abrade; polish; 研讨 deliberate; discuss; 研修 research and studies; advanced study and training; 研制 prepare; manufacture; develop; {中药} prepare medicinal powder by pestling
研[硏]yàn同 “砚” [yàn] same as “砚” [yàn] 另见 see also yán。 |