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单词 variety
释义 variety /va'raiati; va'raiati/ n (pl -ties) 1 [U] quality of not being the same, or not being the same at all times: 变化性; 多统性; 多样性; 多变: a life full of ~. 变化多端的生活。 We demanded more ~ in our food. 我们要求我们的伙食多一点变化。 2 (sing only) number or range of different things: (U用单数)若干不同的事物; 种种: for a of reasons; 由于种种原因; a large ~ of patterns to choose from. 可供选择的种类繁多的花样。 3 [C] (biol) subdivision of a species. (生物)品种; 种类。 4 [C] kind or sort which differs from others of the larger group of which it is a part: 异种; 异类; 同类中的少数变异物: rare varieties of early postage stamps. 早期邮票中的珍品。 There are now several varieties of spaniel. 长耳狗现在有好些不同种类。 5 [U] kind of entertainment consisting of singing, dancing, acrobatic feats, short plays, etc as given in music-halls (GB), some nightclubs and hotels, and for broadcasting: 杂耍; 综艺(包括歌、舞、特技表演、短剧等): a entertainment; 杂耍(综艺)表演; a '~ theatre; 杂耍(综艺) 剧场; ' ~ artists. 杂耍(综艺)演员。 (US 美 = vaudeville).




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