Ⅰ ❶ (名称) name: 绰 ~ nickname;
道[法] ~ Taoist [Buddhist] monastic name;
国 ~ the name of a dynasty;
年 ~ the title of an emperor's reign
❷ (别号;字) assumed name;alternative name
❸ (商店) business house: 宝 ~ your shop [firm];分 ~ branch (of a firm,ect.);
银 ~ banking house
❹ (标志;信号) mark;sign;signal: 暗 ~ secret signal [sign];countersign;cipher;
加 ~ plus sign;
举火为 ~ light a beacon;
问 ~ question mark
❺ (排定的次第) number: 编 ~ serial number; ~ 楼 Building No. 10
❻ (等级) size: 大 [中,小] ~ large [medium,small] size;
这鞋小了两 ~。 These shoes are two sizes too small.
❼ (日期) date: 今天几 ~ ? — 9 ~。 What date is it today? — The 9th.
❽ (号令) order: 发 ~ 施令 issue orders
❾ {音} (军队或乐队里所用的喇叭) any brass-wind instrument: 长 ~ trombone;
军 ~ bugle;
小 ~trumpet
❿ (号角) anything used as a horn: 螺 ~ conch-shell trumpet;conch
⓫(用号吹出来表示一定意义的声音) bugle call;any call made on a bugle: 吹冲锋 ~ sound the call to charge;
起床 ~ reveille;
熄灯 ~ taps
⓬(姓氏) a surname: ~ 义 Hao Yi Ⅱ (用于人数): 一百多 ~ 人 over a hundred people Ⅲ ❶ (做上记号) mark: ~ 房子 mark out houses (as billets,etc.)
❷ (切) feel: ~ 脉 feel the pulse
另见 see also háo。
◆号兵 bugler;
号称 be known as;claim to be;
号锤 marking hammer;{林} numbering hammer;
号带 token number;
号笛 hornpipe;
号房 [旧] reception office;janitor's room;janitor;
号服 livery;
号角 bugle;horn;trump;bugle call;
号控机 number switch;numerical switch;
号料 marking off;
号令 verbal command;order;
号码 number;
号脉 {中医} feel the pulse;
号盘 index dial;
号炮 gun signal;
号声 trumpet call; trumpet hush;
号声四起 Clarion calls were sounded from all sides.;
号手 trumpeter;bugler;
号数 number;
号筒 horn;
号外 extra (of a newspaper);
号形角 {数} horn angle;
号衣 [旧] livery or army uniform;
号召 call;appeal;
号志 livery;
号志灯 signal lamp;
号子 a work song sung to synchronize movements,with one person leading
assumed (/alternative)name