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单词 号啕痛哭

号啕痛哭嚎啕大哭;号淘痛哭;嚎咷痛哭;号啕大哭háo táo tòng kū

burst into loud sobbing;cry loudly; hawl; weep and wail
❍ 现在听得丈夫居然说出他从来没有说过她们所忌讳的这个“小” 字,不由得不~起来。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—8) Now for the first time in her life when right to her face her husband called her by the name she so resented,she burst out crying bitterly.
❍ 却说那和尚把袈裟骗到手,拿在后房灯下,对袈裟号淘痛哭,慌得那本寺僧,不敢入睡。(《西游记》217) We shall now tell you about the old monk,who has got hold of the cassock by fraud. He took it beneath the lamps in the back room and,sat in front of it,hawling. The chief priest of the monastery was so startled that he dared not retire first.
❍ 五辆车五下齐拽,铁石人嚎咷痛哭; …… (关汉卿《邓夫人苦痛哭存孝》344) Five carts pulled in five directions—even a man of iron would utter a cry.
❍ 接着,他嚎啕痛哭地喊道:“爹,你放心吧,我——你不孝的儿子,你,你……儿子一定要替你报仇呀!……”(杨沫《青春之歌》337) The next instant he was wailing,“Father! Your unfilial son will take revenge! I swear it!”





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