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单词 upper
释义 upper /'Apa(r); 'a ㈣ adj (contrasted with lower) higher in place; situated above: (与 lower 相对) 位置较高的; 在上的: the ~ lip; 上唇; the ~ arm; 上臂; one of the ~ rooms. 楼上的一个房间。 ~ case, case2(2). ~ class, class(3). the ~ crust, (colloq) the highest social class. (俗)社会的最高阶层; 上流社会; 贵族。 the ~storey, (fig, colloq) the brain: (喻,俗)头脑: wrong in the ~ storey, mentally disordered. 精神错乱。 have/get the ~ hand (of), have/get the advantage or control (over). W 过; ( 比…)占优势; 占 (…的)上风。 the U~ House, (in Parliament) the House of Lords. (国会的)上或院。 '~cut n (boxing) a blow delivered upwards with the arm bent inside an opponent's guard. (O 击)上击拳(曲臂向上出击对方的防御部位)。 n part of a shoe or boot over the sole. 鞋面或靴面; 鞋帮。 Ls (down) on one's ~ 5, be at the end of one's financial resources. 穷困不堪。 '~most /-maost; -,most/ adj highest; predominant: 最高的; 最主要的: Thoughts of the holidays were most in their minds. 他们心中最主要的念头就是假日。 adv on, to, at, the top or surface: 最上地淫上面; 在上面; 在或至表面: It's not always wise to say whatever comes ~ mosr, whatever comes to the top of one's thoughts. 想到什么就说什么并不一定是明智的。




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