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单词 egg
释义 egg1 /eg; eg/ n female reproducing cell; ovum, (esp an embryo enclosed in a shell, eg of a hen, used as food): 卵; 蛋: Birds, reptiles and insects come from eggs. 鸟,爬虫及昆虫有系卵生。 Chickens are hatched from eggs. 小妬是由鸡蛋孵出的。 The hen laid an egg. 这母鸡下了一个蛋。 you have your eggs boiled or fried? 你的蛋是煮着吃还是煎着吃?【 U] You've got some egg (ie a bit of a cooked egg) on your chin. 你的下巴上沾有一. 期蛋。 cthe illus at amphibian, prey. 参看 amphibian, prey 之插图。 a bad egg, (colloq) a worthless or dishonest person. (俗)坏蛋; 坏人。 as sure as eggs is eggs, (colloq) undoubtedly. (俗)无疑地 the egg, at an early stage; undeveloped. 在初期; 尚未发展的。 put all one's eggs in one basket, risk everything one has in a single venture, eg by investing all one's money in one business. 孤注一 W (例如将全部金钱投资于一项事业)。 teach one s grandmother to suck eggs, give advice to sb who has much more experience than oneself. 班门弄斧。 'egg-cup, small cup for holding a boiled egg. 盛煮蛋的小麻。 'egg-head n (colloq) intellectual person; theorist. ) 知识分子; 理论家。 'egg plant, plant with large, purple (rather egg-shaped) fruit (= aubergine), used as a vegetable. 希子。→ the illus at vegetable. 参看 vegetable 之插图。 'egg-shell, shell of an egg: 蛋壳: egg-shell china, very thin kind; 薄瓷器; egg-shell paint, kind that gives a finish that is neither glossy nor matt. 蛋壳漆(一种光泽既不亮亦不暗的漆)。 egg-whisk, utensil for beating eggs. 搅蛋器。




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