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单词 type
释义 type1 /taip; taip/ n 1 [C] person, thing, event, etc considered as an example of a class or group: 典型; 模范; 表率 (被视为可代表一类或一群的人、物、事等): Abraham Lincoln was a fine ~ of the American patriot. 林肯是美国爱国者的良好典型。 2 [C] class or group considered to have common characteristics: 型; 型式; 样式; 类型: men of this 这一类型的人们。 Her beauty is of the Italian ~. 她的案是义大莉超的。 They claim to make good Burgundy ~ wine/wine of the Burgundy ~ in Australia. 他们声言在澳洲酿造出良好的勃艮地红葡萄酒。 true to ~, representative of that 代表其类型的 A cowardly bulldog is not true to ~. 一只胆小的戏牛犬不足以代表其类型。 3 [U] letters, etc cast in blocks of (usu) metal, for use in printing; any fount of these; [C] one of these blocks: 印刷用的活字; 一套字体; 一个活字或铅字: The printers are short of ~ /certain ~s. 印刷厂缺乏铅字(某些铅字)。 Wooden ~ is/wooden ~s are sometimes used for printing posters. 木刻的活字有时用来印刷海报。 The material is now in ~, has been set ready for printing. 该项资料现正付印中。 The examples in this dictionary are in italic ~. 本字典中的例句用斜罢字排印。 4 (compounds) (复合字) '~face n style of type(3). 铅字之字体。 facel(3). '~'script n typewritten copy (prepared for printing, etc). 用打字机打出的文稿或原稿; 打字稿。 '~setter n worker or machine that sets ~ for printing. 排字工人; 排字机。 '-writer n machine with which one prints letters on paper, using the fingers on a keyboard. 打字机。 '~written adj written using a ~ writer: 耳。字机打出的: a ~-written message. 用打字机打出而说息。




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