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单词 量体裁衣

量体裁衣liàng tǐ cái yī

cut the garment according to the figure; fit the dress to the figure—according to actual circumstances
❍ 俗话说: “到什么山上唱什么歌。”又说: “看菜吃饭,~。”我们无论做什么事都要看情形办理,……(《毛泽东选集》791) There is a proverb,“Sing different songs on different mountains”; another runs,“Fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure”. Whatever we do must be done according to actual circumstances,…

量体裁衣liang ti cai yi

cut the garment according to the figure—act according to actual circumstances


cut the garment (or tailor the suit)according to the figure; cut your coat according to your cloth;act according to actual circumstances

量体裁衣liànɡ tǐ cái yī

按照身材大小来裁剪衣服。比喻根据具体情况来行事。act according to actual circumstances, cut the garment according to the figure





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更新时间:2025/3/3 17:26:41