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单词 漆黑一团

漆黑一团一团漆黑qī hēi yī tuán

pitch dark:utter darkness; be (completely) in the dark; be entirely ignorant of; utterly hopeless
❍ 他们的心中进入紧张的判断中:“是屯落吗?不会的,因为所有的屯落屋盖上都浮盖着白雪,是不会~的。……”(曲波《林海雪原》508)“Is it settlement?”they wondered.”“No,it can’t be. Any settlement would have snow on the roofs of the houses,it wouldn’t just be a dark smudge.…”/不论是近百年的和古代的中国史,在许多党员的心目中还是~。(《毛泽东选集》775) Many Party members are still in a fog about Chinese history,whether of the last hundred years or of ancient times.
❍ 季交恕被关在这捕房东边那一间既没有窗子,又没有电灯,黑漆一团的囚室里边。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—167)The cell Jiaoshu occupied on the east side of the basement was pitch dark,windowless and without electric lights.
❍ 不过我们的读书界,是爱和平的多,一见笔战,便是什么“文坛的悲观”呀,“文人相轻”呀,甚至于不问是非,统谓之“互骂”,指为“~糟”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—43) Most readers,however,are all for peace and quiet. A battle of books makes them talk of “the hopelessness of the literary world” and “scholars scorn for each other.”Or without looking into the rights and wrongs of the case,they describe it as “a slanging match”and “utter bedlam”.


❷be entirely ignorant of;be in a fog; be completely in the dark;utterly hopeless
他对整个局势仍是~。He is still kept in the dark about the entire situation./不论是近百年的或古代的中国史,在许多党员心目中还是~。Many Party members are still in a fog about Chinese history,whether of the last hundred years or of ancient times./把国际局势描绘得~ describe the international situation as shrouded in total darkness;paint a dark picture of the international situation

漆黑一团一团漆黑qī hēi yī tuán

形容一片黑暗,也比喻什么也不知道。be in the dark, as block as night, utterly hopeness, be altogether pitch black





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