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单词 trip
释义 trip /trip; trip/ vi, vt (-pp-) 1 [VP2A, C] walk, run or dance with quick, light steps: 以轻快的脚步走、跑或跳舞 : ' She came ~ ping down the garden path. 她轻快地沿花园小径跑过来。 2 [VP2A, C, 3A, 15B] ~ (over) (sth), catch one's foot, etc in an obstacle and stumble: 绊在某物上而跌交; 失足; 颠蹲: He ~ ped over the root of a tree. 也被树由蓟亩。 ~ (sb) (up), (cause to) stumble or make a false step: (食女人) 绊倒或失足: He ~ ped up and nearly fell. 他失足而几乎跌倒。 The wrestler ~ ped (up) his opponent. 那摔角者把对手摔倒。 That lawyer is always trying to ~ the witness up, (fig) trying to make him contradict himself, be inaccurate, etc. (喻) 那律师总想使证人自相矛盾。 3 [VP2A, C] ~ (out), (sl) have a ~ ( 3 below). (A) (因服用迷幻药而) 陷入幻觉; 进入迷幻状态。 4 (archaic) (古) ~ s measure, dance with quick light steps. 以轻快步子跳舞。 [C 】 1 journey, esp a pleasure excursion: 旅行; (尤指) 远髭: a to the seaside; 去海滨远足; a weekend ~; 周末旅行; a holi-day/honeymoon ~ to Venice. 往威尼斯的假日 (蜜月) 旅行。 2 fall or stumble; (fig) fault or error: 显蹲; 绊倒; 失足; (喻) 错误; 过失: a - of the tongue (slip is more usu). 失言 (此语中较常用 slip) → ' ~ wire n wire stretched along the ground, working a trap when an animal, etc trips against it. 陷穽的绊索 (动物触及进入陷穽) 。 3 (sl) experience, esp one resulting from taking a hallucinatory drug. (俚) (服迷幻药后产生的) 迷幻感觉; 幻觉经验。~ person making a (usu short) excursion for pleasure: (通常为短程的) 旅行者; 远足者: weekend ~ pers. 周末的旅行者。 ~ ping adj light and quick. 轻快的。 pingdy adv




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