Ⅰ ❶ (尖的东西进入或穿过物体) stab;prick: ~ 伤 stab and wound;
他被 ~ 了一匕首。 He was stabbed with a dagger.
❷ (刺激) irritate;stimulate: ~ 鼻 pungent;irritate the nose;assail one's nostrils
❸ (暗杀) assassinate: 被 ~ be assassinated
❹ (侦探;打听) detect;spy: ~ 探出敌人的一个秘密 spy out a secret of the enemy
❺ (指责;讽刺) criticize: 讽 ~ satirize;
讥 ~ ridicule;satirize Ⅱ ❶ (尖锐像针的东西) thorn;splinter: 鱼 ~ fishbone;
手上扎了个 ~ get a thorn [splinter] in one's hand;
他说话总带 ~ 儿。 There's always a sting in his words.
❷ [书] (名片) visiting card
另见 see also cī。
◆刺柏 Juniperus formosana;Chinese juniper;Taiwan juniper;
刺刺不休 talk incessantly;chatter on and on;chatter like a magpie;chatter without stop;gabble on and on;repeat endlessly;keep on clamoring;run off at the mouth;talk one's head off;talk a leg off a donkey [dog horse];talk without cease;go [run,talk] nineteen to the dozen;
刺刀 bayonet;
刺儿头 [口] faultfinder;a fastidious [difficult] person;
刺耳 grating on the ear;irritating [unpleasant] to the ear;jarring;ear-piercing;harsh;
刺骨 piercing to the bones;cut to the bones;piercing;biting;
刺槐 {植} Robinia pseudoacacia;locust (tree);
刺激 stimulate;excite;(使激动) provoke;irritate;upset;(刺激作用) {生} stimulation;{生理} stimulus;incitation;incitement;paratrimma;paratrip ̄sis;fillip [filip];flash;
刺客 [旧] assassin;
刺络 {中医} blood-letting puncture;micropuncture;
刺挠 [口] itchy;
刺配 tattoo the face of a criminal and send him into exile (a punishment in feudal China); 刺杀 assassinate;{军} bayonet charge;
刺伤 stab and wound;puncture (wound); 刺参 stichopus japonicus;
刺史 feudal provincial or prefectural governor;
刺探 make roundabout or secret inquiries;pry;detect;spy;
刺网 {渔} gill net;
刺猬 Rrinaceus earopaeus;hedgehog;
刺绣 embroid;embroidery;
刺眼[目] (光线过强,使眼睛不舒服) dazzling;(惹人注意并且使人感觉不顺眼) offending [unpleasant] to the eye;unpleasant to look at;
刺痒 [口] itchy;
刺鱼 Pungitius Sinensis;stickleback
acupuncture; needling; puncture