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单词 trade
释义 trade1 /treid; tred/ n 1 [U] buying and selling of goods; exchange of goods for money or other goods; [C] particular branch of this: 买卖; 交易; 贸易; 商业; 某一行业: Great Britain does a lot of ~ with some countries and not much with others. 大不列显与某些国家交易甚每, 与另一些国家则交易不多。 T~ was good last year. 去年贸易良好。 He's in the 'cotton/'furniture/'book, etc 他做棉花 (家具,书籍等) 生意。 stock-in ~, stock1 ⑴ . the ~,(colloq) those engaged in the manufacture and sale of a certain commodity. (俗) 商人; 制造商。 '~mark n design, special name, etc used to distinguish a manufacturer's goods from others; (fig) distinguishing characteristics: 商标; (喻) 明显的特征: He leaves his ~ mark on. all his undertakings. 他做每件事情都会留下他那明显的特征。 ' ~ name n name given by manufacturers to a proprietary article. 商品名称溥利品名称。 ~ price n the price charged by a manufacturer or wholesaler to a retailer. 同业卖价; 批发价格。 ,~(s) -'union n organized association of workers in a ~ or group of ~s, formed to protect their interests, improve their conditions, etc. 工会; 职工厅会。】~ - 'unionism n [U] this system of association. 工会制匿; 工会主义。 ,~-'unionist n member of a ~- union. 工会会员。 T~$ Union Congress, (abbr 略作 TUC) association of British ~ unions. (英国的) 工会联合会; 工会联盟; 全国总工会。 '~wind n strong wind blowing always towards the equator from the SE and NE. 信风; 贸易风 (由东南或东北方向赤道吹袭的强风) 。 the T~ s, these winds. 东南及东北信风。 2 occupation; way of making a living, esp a handicraft: 职业; 谋生之道; (尤指) 手艺: He's a weaver/mason/carpenter/tailor by ~. 他是织工 (石匠,木匠,裁缝) 。 Shoemaking is a useful ~. 制桂是一种有用的手艺。 The college teaches many useful ~s. 该学院传授许多有用的手艺。 '~sfolk,, speople n persons engaged in ~; shopkeepers (and their families). 商人; 开店者 (及其家属) 。 '~sman /./-zman; -zman n (pl -men) shopkeeper. 开店者; 店主。




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