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单词 原封不动

原封不动原封未动yuán fēng bù dòng

be left intact; keep (/leave) sth intact (/untouched/in its original form); preserve (/take over) sum and total (/substance); remain in its entirety;without making any changes
❍ 有时一担炭挑出去,来回四五十里地,又~地挑回来。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》25)Sometimes the whole load was brought back intact at the end of the day,after a round trip of forty to fifty li.
❍ 绥远方式,是有意地保存一部分国民党军队,让它~,或者大体上不动,就是说向这一部分军队作暂时的让步,以利于争取这部分军队在政治上站在我们方面,或者保持中立。……(《毛泽东选集》1315) The Suiyuan pattern is deliberately to keep part of the Kuomintang troops wholly or nearly intact,that is,to make temporary concessions to these troops in order to help win them over to our side or neutralize them politically.
❍ 前日那两篓还摆在议事厅上,好好的原封没动,……(《红楼梦》784) As for these two baskets brought the other day,they’re still in the hall and the seals on them haven’t been broken;…/赵雄把一千五百元~的锁在自己的小铁箱里,消消停停的到福州游鼓山去了。(高云览《小城春秋》227) Zhao Xiong put the money in his safe deposit box,untouched,still in its original wrapper,then leisurely departed to the mountain resort of Gushan,outside of Fuzhou
❍ ~地接收是比较容易的,天津、北平、南京、上海、武汉,一个城市比一个城市接收得好。(《周恩来选集》上—360) It is relatively easy to take them over without making any changes.In each successive city—Tianjin,Beiping,Nanjing,Shanghai and Wu han—the takeover has been accomplished more smoothly than in the last.


leave sth intact;remain untouched

原封不动yuán fēnɡ bù dònɡ

封:封口。指原来贴的封口都没有动过。比喻一点也没有动,都是原样。be left intact, keep sth. intact, preserve intact





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