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squiren. 1 1. attendant on a knight or noble warrior,gentlemanbelow the rank of a knight骑士或高贵武士的随从,(身份低于骑士的)乡绅。 △1H.VI.4.1.22: “Before we met,orthat a stroke was given,/ Like to a trusty squire didrun away;”(trusty: used ironically) 不等我们双方遭遇,一下还没有打,他就像一个忠实的随从那样跑了。 △ Lr.1.4.264(241): “Here do you keep a hundred knights andsquires.”你在这里养了一百名骑士和随从。 a squire of low degree:i.e.the title of a medievalverse romance低级侍从(一部中古诗休传奇的题目) △H.V.5.1.36(35):“You called me yesterday moun-tain-squire,but I will make you to-day a squire of lowdegree.” (A quibble on: I will bring you to theground. )你昨天叫我“山里来的绅士”,我今天要使你成为一个低级侍从(双关:把你打倒在地)。 squire of the night's body: body-squire or personal at-tendant upon a knight (with “knight” punning on “night”)骑士的侍从(双关:黑夜的侍从)。 △1H.IV.1.2.26(23): “when thou art king,let not us that are squiresof the night's body be called thieves of the day's beau-ty.” i. e. do not allow us,who do good service on thehighway at night. to be called the thieves in broaddaylight. 等你做了国王,可别让我们这些侍候黑夜的好汉们被人叫做大天白日的盗贼。 2. (used contemptuously) fellow,young fellow (用做鄙称)家伙,小子。 △Oth.4.2.145: “Some such squire hewas / That turned your wit the seamy side without.And made you to suspect me (i.e.of adultery) withthe Moor.那个把你的头脑搅得颠三倒四、让你怀疑我跟这个摩尔人勾搭的人,就是这么一个家伙。
squiren. 2 = squier squire[ˈskwaiə]n.乡绅,律师,侍从,大地主,治安官 ‖ squirearch[ˈskwaiərɑ:k]n. 地主,乡绅 squirearchy n.地主政治,地主阶级 squireen[ˈskwaiəˈri:n]n.小地主 squirelet n.小地主,小乡绅 |