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单词 原形毕露

原形毕露yuán xíng bì lù

reveal oneself for what one is; be exposed (/revealed) in one’s true colours;show one’s true form; betray (/display/show) the cloven hoof (/foot); reveal one’s real appearance(/nature); unmask oneself
❍ 眼前的事实粉碎了他这一场春梦。于是他的~了,……(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》281)Now that his expectations lay dashed before him,he abandoned all pretence and revealed himself for what he was.
❍ 总之,要坚决斗,狠狠斗,斗得它~,斗得它落花流水,斗得它鼻青眼肿,斗得它头破血流!(杨佩瑾《剑》71) In a word,we must struggle resolutely,relent lessly,until they are smashed or exposed in their true colours.
❍ 老大人也在火头上,那就看谁的火烧谁了。再见吧。(~地下去。)(田汉《关汉卿》54) So is Lord Akham.Just see whose temper counts. Good night and good bye! (He walks away haughtily,revealing his true colours.)/如果我们连党八股也打倒了,那就算对于主观主义和宗派主义最后地“将一军”,弄得这两个怪物~,“老鼠过街,人人喊打”,这两个怪物也就容易消灭了。(《毛泽东选集》787) If we destroy that too,we shall“checkmate”subjectivism and sectarianism and make both these monsters show themselves in their true colours,and then we shall easily be able to annihilate them,like “rats running across the street with everyone yelling: Kill them! Kill them!”

原形毕露yuán xínɡ bì lù

毕:全部,都。原来的面目全都显露出来。形容真实面目暴露出来。show one’s true colours, reveal one’s real nature, betray oneself





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