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单词 support
释义 support /ss'pxt; sa'port/ vt [VP6A] 1 bear the help him to walk home. 他伤了足踝, 因此不得不让人盅着回家。 2 strengthen; help (sb or sth) to continue: 加强; 使有力; 拥护; 支援; 帮助 (某人或某事物) 持续: ~ a claim/a political party; 支持一项要求 (某一政党); ~ a football team, eg by regularly watching it play; 支持一足球队 (例如经常观其赛球); ~ - ing troops, held in reserve to help those who are fighting; 支援部队; a hospital ~ed by voluntary contributions; 由捐款维持开支的医院; a theary that is not ~ed by the facts; 无事实为根据的理论; an accusation not ~ed by proofs; 无证据的指控; a ' ~ing actor, one who takes a part secondary to that of the leading actor; 配角; a ' ~ing film, secondary to the main feature film. (电影的) 副片; 短片。 3 provide for (financially, etc): 维持; 胆养: He has a large family to ~. 他要养一美家 Ao 4 endure: 忍受; 忍耐: I can't ~ your jealousy any longer. 我无法再忍受你的嫉妒了。 1 [U] ~ing or being ~ed: 支持; 支撑; 扶持; 拥护; 帮助; 维持; 赡养: This bridge needs more ~. 这座桥需要加强支承。 I hope to have your ~ in the election. 我希望在选举中得到你的支持。 The proposal obtained no/little/not much ~. 这项建议未获得 (鲜获,略获) 支持。 Mr X spoke in ~ of the motion. 某先生发言支持该项动议。 The divorced wife claimed ~ (ie a regular financial contribution) for her children from her ex-husband, but he was found to be without visible means of ~, with no apparent resources (money, work) on which to live. 那离婚的妻子为其子女向前夫索取赡养费,但他被发现并无可察见的资财或收入。 in ~, (of troops) in reserve, ready to give ~. (指部队) 预备的; 支援的。 (be) in ~ of sb/sth, (be) ~ing him/it. 支援某人 (某事物) 。 2 [C] sb or sth that ~s: 支持的人或物; 支援者; 支撑物; 赞助者; 赡养者; 赞助金; 赡养金 -Dick is the chief ~ of the family, earns the money for the family. 狄克是这一家的主要赡养者。 'price ~s, (US) subsidies, eg paid by the government to farmers. (美) 债格补助金; 价格津贴 (如政府给予农民者) 。 ~able /-sdl; -sbl/ adj that can be ~ed: endurable. 可维持的; 可瞻真的; 可忍受的。 ~er ” person or device that ~s. 支持者; 支援者; 支持器械或设备。 ~ive adj ~ing; giving help, encouragement. 支持的; 支援的; 拥护的; 帮助的; 鼓励的。




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