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单词 无微不至

无微不至wú wēi bù zhì

in every possible way;meticulously; in the smallest details; without any detail not taken care of;the most minute
❍ 敬爱的周总理~地关怀着灾区人民的生活,也时时处处关心着这里的生产和建设。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—204)Premier Zhou was not only greatly concerned about the well-being of the afflicted people,but also about the local production and construction. 毛主席在重庆期间,周总理为了毛主席的安全,总是和毛主席形影不离,朝夕相共,从保卫工作到生活安排,都是~地亲自布置,精心照顾。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—58) While Chairman Mao was in Chongqing,Comrade Zhou Enlai never left his side so that he could look after the Chairman’s safety,He gave personal attention to Chairman Mao’s living conditions and the security measures down to the last detail. …/毛主席和周总理又亲自为我国规划了建设社会主义现代化强国的宏伟蓝图,对科学事业和科学工作者给予了~的关怀。(郭沫若《科学的春天》) Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou then personally drew up a magnificent blue print for transforming China into a modern,powerful socialist country; it was they who showed the most thoughtful solicitude for our scientific undertakings and our scientists.
❍ 她心里感到温暖,觉得陶阿毛关心人真是~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—82) His kindness aroused a warmth in her heart,making her feel that he was the sort who would take pains over the smallest details in his concern for others.
❍ 然而他对待自己的同志,却是那样~的关心。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》47) In contrast he showed the most minute concern for his com rades.
❍ 这尚未出世的小生命渐渐地在他们意想中构成固定的形象、引起他们~的爱情。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》257) The little life that had not yet come into the world gradually took on a more solid shape in their minds and drew to itself their unreserved affection.


meticulously;with great care;in every possible way
~的关怀meticulous care

无微不至wú wēi bù zhì

微:细微,细小;至:到。没有什么细微的地方不考虑到。形容非常细心、周到地关心和照顾。in every possible way, to the last atom, without any detail not taken care of, be shown lavishly





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