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单词 无忧无虑

无忧无虑wú yōu wú lǜ

be free from care (/from all anxieties); be not plagued by apprehensions;carefree; happy-go-lucky;have no worry in the world; high,wide,and handsome; light-hearted;lightsome; limpid; on wings; without a single worry;worriless
❍ 志愿军的未婚妻开始吃饭,~。(柳青《创业史》334) She began eating her meal,at peace with the world.
❍ ~的刘延生也发觉班长在考虑什么问题。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》378) Even blithe young Yansheng noticed that his squad leader was preoccupied.
❍ 他总是无忧无虑,把什么都不放在心上。(陶承《我的一家》4)Nothing seemed to dampen his spirits and he was always gay and carefree.
❍ 这个来自成都郊区的、力大无穷的农村青年,憨厚朴实,嘴角里常常浮着一丝坦率的、~的笑容。(杨佩瑾《剑》23) This strong young peasant was ingenuous and honest,an unaffected,artless smile often hovering around his mouth.
❍ 一点不怕,~,真正单纯的乐神,从来没有。(毛泽东《关于帝国主义和一切反动派是不是真老虎的问题》) There is no such thing in this world as an absolutely fearless person,a carefree type without a single worry.


free from care (or anxieties);have no worries

无忧无虑wú yōu wú lǜ

没有忧虑和烦恼。high, wide, and handsome; let it all hang out; carefree, be free from care, without a single worry, on wings; be clear of worry





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