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单词 strength
释义 strength /streijO; 8trri)9/ n [U] 1 quality of being strong: 强壮; 强度; 强壮的性质; 力量; 力气: a man/horse of great ~; 强壮的人(马); the ~ of a rope, its ability to resist strain; 绳子的强度(耐拉力); the ~ of our army; 我们军队的力量; get back one's health and ~ after an illness. 病后恢复健康及体力。 She hasn't the ~ /hasn't ~ enough to -walk upstairs. 她没有力气走上栖。 How is the ~ of alcoholic liquors measured? 烈酒的浓度是怎样测定的?。“ the ~ of. encouraged by, relying upon: 受…的鼓励; 依恃; 愚借: I employed the boy on the ~ of your recommendation. 由于你的推荐我雇用那男孩。 2 that which helps to make sb or sth strong: 使某人或某物坚强之事物; 支持物; 依恃物: God is our 我们依赖上帝。 3 power measured by numbers of persons present or persons who can be used: 责力; 兵力; 人力; 可供使用的人员: The enemy were in (great) ~ ,Their numbers were great. 敌人的人马众多。 The police force is 500 below ~ ,needs 500 more men. 警察南人数尚需五百。 bring sth/be up to reach/be the required number: 使达到(达到)所需数字: We must bring the police force up to 我们必需使蔷察达到所需员额。 ~ /'stregGn; 'streijOan/ vt, vi [VP6A, 2A] make or become strong(er), 使或变得强壮、坚强、更强壮、更坚强等; 加强; 强化。




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