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单词 land
释义 land1 /laend; laend/ n 1 [U] solid part of the earth's surface (contrasted with sea, water): 陆地 (与 sea, water 相对) : travel over ~ and sea; 在陆上亩源上徳行; come in sight of ~; 看见陆地; glad to be on ~八。 reach ~ /to come to ~ again; 很高兴重: 登陆地; a ~ breeze, one blowing from the land towards the sea (after sunset); 陆风 (日落后由陆上吹向海上的微风); ~-based aircraft, using bases on ~ (contrasted with aircraft based on carriers). 陆上基地的飞机 (以别于航空母舰上者) 。 Are you going by ~ or by .sea, by train, car, etc, or by boat? 你将由陆路 iS 是海路去? make ~, see, reach the shore. 见到岸; 抵岸。 see/find out how the '~ lies, lie1 (4). 2 [U] ground, earth, as used for farming, etc: 土航; 田地 : ’ working on the ~; 在农工作; ' ~-workers; 农田工人; rough and stony ~. 崎妪多石的土地。 ' ~ army, (GB) body of women farm workers in World War JI. (英) 二次大战期间的农田女工。 3 [U] property in the form of ~: 地产: How far does your ~ extend? 你的地产伸展多远? Do you own much ~ here? 你在此地有很多地产吗? '~agent, (chiefly GB) person employed to manage an estate; person who buys and sells estates (US 美 ― real estate agent). (主英) 地产管理人; 地产经纪人。 4 (pl) estate; area of ~ with the trees, etc on it: (位) 地产; (含树木等在内的) 所有地: houses and ~s. 拥房地产。 5 country and its people (liter or emotive in this sense, country being the ordinary word): 国土; 国家 (为文学上或含有感情的用语,country 一字是普通用语): rny native ~; 我的祖国; visit distant ~s. 游历 / 远的卤家。 the ~ of the living, this present existence. 现世。 the Promised L~, the L~ of Promise, Canaan /'kemar; 'kenan/, promised by God to the Israelites. 迦南地 (上帝应许赐予以色列人的土地) 。 6 (compounds, etc) (复合字等)' ~ fall i approach to ~, esp for the first time during a voyage: 接近陆地 (尤指航行中初次发现陆地) : a good ~ fall, one that corresponds well to the calculations made by the ship's officers. 如期见到陆地。 , ~ forces n pl military forces (not naval). 陆军。 '~.holder n owner or (more usu) tenant of ~. 地主; (较常指) 租地人。 '~lady n (pl -ladies) woman who owns a house which she leases to a tenant, or who rents a house, rooms of which she sublets to tenants: 女房东: owe one's ~ lady a month's rent. 欠女房东一个月房租 '~-locked adj (of a bay, harbour, etc) almost or entirely surrounded by ~. (指海尚, 港口等) 几乎全为陆地包围的。 '~lord n a person from whom another rents ~ or building(s). 地主; 房东。 b keeper of an inn, a public house, a boarding-house or lodging-house. 旅社、酒馆或寄宿舍之主人。 '~lubber /lAba (r); zlAb/ n (used by sailors to describe a) person not accustomed to the sea and ships. (船员用语) 不习惯海上生活及船上事物者。 '~mark n [C] a object that marks the boundary of a piece of ~. 界标。 b object, etc easily seen from a distance and helpful to travellers (eg navigating officers of a ship). 易自远处看见并对旅行者 (例如船上的航行人员) 有毛勣的 标; 座标。 c (fig) event, discovery, change, etc that marks a stage or turning-point: (喻) 剂时代的大事、发现、变化等; 里程碑: ~ marks in the history of mankind. 人类历史上划时代的事件。 '~mine n [C] explosive charge laid in or on the ground or dropped by parachute and exploded by vehicles passing over it. (埋于地下,置于地上或山飞机用降落伞投下的) 地宙。 '~owner n owner of 地主。 ~.rover n (?) strongly-built motor vehicle for use over rough ground. (商标) 用以行驶崎曜陆地的坚固车辆。 '~slide n [C] (ajL sliding down of a mass of earth, rock, etc from the side of a cliff, hillside, railway cutting, etc. 山崩; 土崩; 坍方。 b sudden change in political opinion resulting in an overwhelming majority of votes for one side in an election: 选举中获咙商性多数票: a Democratic ~ slide, a great victory for the Democratic party. 民主党的大胜利。 '~slip n = ~ slide (a). '~sman /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) person who is not a sailor. 陆居者 (以别于海员) 。




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