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单词 landing
释义 landing /'laendi!); 'laendig/ n 1 act of coming or bringing to land: 登陆; 着陆: Me ~ of the Pilgrim Fathers in America. 1620 年英国淸敎徒之在美国登陆。 The pilot made an emergency ~. 该驾驶员作紧急降落。 ,■ craft n ship whose bows can be opened up to allow (usu military) vehicles to get ashore without being lifted out. 登陆艇。 '~field/-trip n area of land for aircraft to take off from and land on. 飞机起落场 (起落地带) 。 '~gear n undercarriage and wheels of an aircraft. 飞机起落架 (包括起落轮) 。 ' ~- net n bag-shaped net on a long handle for landing fish caught with a rod and line. (用以抄取钓上之鱼的长柄) 袋网。 '~party n party of armed men who are landed (eg to keep order). (武装之) 登陆队 (例如维持治安者) 。 2 (also 亦作 '~-place) place where people and goods may be landed from a boat, etc. (船等) 卸货处; 登陆成。 '~stage n platform (usu floating) on which passengers and goods are landed. 栈桥 (通常浮于水上,供人货登陆者); 浮动码头。 3 area at the top of a flight of stairs on to which doors may open. 楼梯平台 (一段楼梯顶端之驻脚处,楼上门户可朝此装设) 。




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