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单词 咬文嚼字

咬文嚼字yǎo wén jiáo zì

“chew words”—pay excessive attention to literal interpretation of words;mince one’s words in speech (/writing); overfas tidious (/very scrupulous) in the choice of words;play with words; speak (/talk) like a book; split hairs about words and phrases; talk pedantically (/in a bookish fashion); use the jargon of the sage
❍ 他们必定把一句话拉长了,作两三截儿,~,拿着腔儿,哼哼唧唧的,急的我冒火,他们那里知道? (《红楼梦》319)They don’t know it,but I find it quite maddening the way they pad out a sentence and then break it down into several,the way they mince,drawl and stutter./“太~了! 那么党做什么呢?” 率直的区委书记对这号书生的迂腐语调,很不满意。(柳青《创业史》273)“Just playing with words. What’s the Party for,then? ” interjected the straightforward district secretary,very annoyed with this bookish quibble.
❍ 魏振钺~地沉吟着, 眯𥋖着他那鼠样的眼睛, 斜视着张灵甫,…… (吴强《红日》428) As Wei Zhenyue slowly and thoughtfully declaimed this line he looked sideways at Zhang Lingfu with his rat-like eyes narrowed to slits…/什么尽可能,我们不会~,我们要求的是按期发工资…… (周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—69)“Do your utmost” indeed! We want none of your speechifying. What we’re demanding is that you pay out on time—…/问着,又没处开消,还在东家面前~,指手画脚的不服。(《儒林外史》117) Mr Yang had no idea where the money had gone,but refused to admit he was in the wrong,just spouting phrases out of some book to the proprietor and waving his arms indig nantly.
❍ 剥去和抗争,也不过是“~”,并非“直接行动”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—27) Unmasking and protesting are merely “words,words,words”,not “direct action”.

咬文嚼字yao wen jiao zi

pay excessive attention to wording


juggle with words like a pedant;be fastidious about the use of language; to the letter

咬文嚼字yǎo wén jiáo zì

形容仔细、过分地斟酌字句;也指抠字眼儿但又不理解文章实质的人;还用以讽刺说话买弄学问的人。chop logic, pay excessive attention to wording, speak like a book, split hairs





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