单词 | stir |
释义 | stir /stx(r); st?/ vi, vt (-rr-) 1 [VP6A, 2A, C] be moving; cause to move: 绩; 移动; 使动: Not a leaf was ~ ring, There was no wind to move the leaves. 没有一片树叶在动 (一点儿风都没有) 。 A breeze ~ red the leaves. 微风吹动树叶。 Nobody was ~-ring in the house, Everyone was resting. 屋子里没有人在走动 (都在休息) 。 She is not ~ ring yet/has not ~ red yet, is -still in bed. 她尚未起床。 You had better ~ yourself, get busy, be active. 你最好找点事做 (活动活动) 。 I haven't ~ red out all morning, .haven't left the house. 我整个上午未出过门。 not ~ an eyelid, remain unmoved, showing no alarm or concern. 不动声色 (未显示惊慌或关心) 。 not ~ a finger, make no effort to do things; give no help. 一事不做; 一点都不帮忙; 袖手旁观。 ~ one's stumps, (colloq) make haste, walk faster. (俗) 赶忙; 赶紧; 快走。 2 [VP6A, 15B] ~ sth (up), move a spoon, etc round and round in liquid, etc in order to mix it thoroughly: 搅和; 拌匀: ~ one's tea; 搅动茶; ~ the porridge; 搅动变片粥; ~ milk into a cake mixture. 把牛奶和做蛋糕的混合原料搅和。 ~ the fire, use the poker in it. 拨火 (使旺) 。 3 [VP6A, 14, 15B] ~ sb to sth; ~ sth (up), excite: 使激密惹起: The story ~ red the boy's imagination. 那故事引起那男孩的幻想。 Discontented men ~ red the crew to mutiny/ ~ed up trouble among the crew. 心怀不满的人鼓动船员叛变 (在船员间制造纠纷) ,He wants ~ ring up, needs to be roused from lethargy. 他需要与励。 ~ the blood, rouse to excitement or enthusiasm. 激起兴奋或热忱。 4 [VP2A, C] be roused: 被激动; 奋起; 被激起: Pity ~ red in his heart. 他的怜悯心被激起了。 n (usu 通常作 a ~) commotion; excitement: 骚动; 激动: The news caused quite a ~ in the village. 这项消息在村子里引起相当大的骚动。 ~-ring adj exciting: 激动的; 剌激的; 令人兴的: ~ ring tales of adventure; 剌激的冒险故事; live in ~ ring times. 生活于盘 II 烈烈的时代。 ~ ring ly adv |
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