释义 |
扭扭捏捏niǔ niǔ niē niēaffect (/pretend) to be shy and modest; be affectedly bashful; coy and shy ❍ 不要~! ……准不会错! (吴强《红日》289) Stop being so coy. There can’t possibly be any hitch. ❍ 刘老老才~的在炕沿儿上侧身坐下。(《红楼梦》76)❶Granny Liu perched gingerly on the edge of the kang. ❷With a good deal of girlish simpering Grannie Liu sat down again,perching herself obliquely on the extreme edge of the kang. ❍ 说着,又向小红笑道: “好孩子,难为你说的齐全,不象他们~蚊子似的……” (《红楼梦》319) She turned to Xiaohong. “You’re a good child and deliver messages clearly,not like some who mince their words or buzz like mosquitoes…”/看到戏场上小旦装出一个妓者,扭扭的唱,他就看昏了,忘其所以然,……(《儒林外史》136) But at the sight of an actor singing and posturing as a singsong girl,the cook was so carried away that he forgot all else,…/来吧,别~的。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—282) Come on,don’t pretend to be shy. ❍ 去吧,去吧,不要忸忸怩怩,像个姑娘了。(周立波《山乡巨变》135) Go on,don’t be so shy,you’re just like a girl! 扭扭捏捏be affectedly bashful |