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单词 扬长而去

扬长而去yáng cháng ér qù

disappear; leave at a surprising speed; stride out of the house and hurriedly depart; stride (/stalk/strut) off;/来人放下了礼品,~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》285) The stranger had deposited the parcel and disappeared.
❍ 吴医生边说边走,拿起一把油纸雨伞,喊一声“暂别”,~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ —38) “Good-bye now’ answered the doctor as he took up his umbrella and strode out of the house and hurriedly departed.
❍ 我刚答说“零用什物”时,他已经将篮摇了两摇,~了。(鲁迅《华盖集》147) By the time I had answered,“Things I need for my journey,”he had shaken the basket twice and stalked off.
❍ 说毕,徉长而去。众人苦留不住。(《红楼梦》142) He strode off then before anyone could stop him.
❍ 甩开刘大娘~。(田汉《关汉卿》13) He pushed Mistress Liu back and strutted off.
❍ 至于骂一句爹娘,~,还自以为胜利,那简直是“阿Q”式的战法了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—163) While to abuse your enemy’s father and mother and then swagger off thinking yourself victorious is pure Ah Q-ism./“不用寄了”,江波说,“我们会另找到人的!”说罢和技术员一起,~。(王汶石《风雪之夜》67) “Forget it,”Jiang replied sharply.“We can find someone else to do it. ”Together with the others he turned away quickly,his head held high.

扬长而去yang chang er qu

swagger off

扬长而去yánɡ chánɡ ér qù

形容大模大样地离去。stalk off, sail out, sail out of the room





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