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单词 smell
释义 smell2 /smel; smel/ vt, vi (pt, pp smelt) /smelt; smelt/ 1 [VP6A, 19A] (not in the progressive tenses; often with can, could) be aware of through the sense of smell: (不亩进行式; 常与 can, could 连用)嗅出; 闻到; 经由嗅觉察觉: Can/Do you ~ anything unusual? 你有没有闻到(一股) 特别的气味? The camels smelt the water a mile off. 骆驼嗅出一哩外有水。 I can ~ something burning. 我面锦有烧焦的气味。 ~ a rat, 0 rat. 2 [VP6A, 15B, 2A, C] (with progressive tenses possible) use one's sense of smell in order to learn sth; inhale the odour of: (nJ用进行式)嗅; 闻; 吸入…的气味: s ~ this and tell me what it is. 闻闻这东西,吿诉我是什么。 The dog was ~ing (at) the lamp-post. 那只狗正在闻那根(路) 灯柱。 ~ round/about, go here and there ~ing, to get information (lit and fig). (字面及喻) 到处用鼻子闻以察知某事; 到处打慝消息。' ~ sth out, discover, hunt out, by means of the sense of smell or (fig) by intuition. 以嗅觉发现或察知; (喻)借直觉以发现或察知。 3 [VP2A] (not in the progressive tenses) have the sense of smell: (不用进行式)有嗅觉: Do/Can fishes ~? 鱼类有嗅觉吗? 4 [VP2A, D, 3A] ~ (of sth), give out a smell (of the kind specified by. an adj or adv)-, suggest or recall the smell (of): 衮出(由形容词或副词所显示的)气味; 有…的气味; 含有或令人想起…的气味: The flowers ~ sweet. 这些花气味芬芳。 The dinner ~s good. 这饭菜闻起来真香 oThe lamb ~s of garlic. 这羔羊(肉)有大蒜味。 Your breath ~s of brandy. 你的呼吸带有白兰地酒味。 (Note that if there is no adj, the suggestion is usu sth unpleasant): (注意: 如无形容词修饰,通常指气味不好的东西): Fish soon ~s in summer if it is not kept on ice. 鱼在夏天如果不加冷冻很快就臭了。 His breath ~s. 他的呼吸有臭味。 ~ of the lamp, (of work) seem to have been composed late at night, with much hard work (指作品)似乎是熬夜下工夫写成的 o'—ing-salts n pl sharp-smelling substances to be sniffed as a cure for faintness, etc; sal volatile. 嗅盐(治疗昏萤等症者)。 '~ing-bottle n one containing ~ing-salts. 嗅盐瓶。 smelly adj (-ier, -iest) (colloq) having a bad ~. (俗)有臭味的; 不好闻的。




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