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单词 指鹿为马

指鹿为马zhǐ lù wéi mǎ

call a stag a horse—deliberately misrepresent; call black white; distort facts (at will); encourage sycophancy or practise it;wilful misinterpretation (/mispresentation)
❍ 八月,已亥,赵高欲为乱,恐群臣不听,乃先设验,持鹿献于二世,曰: “马也。”二世笑曰: “丞相误邪?谓鹿为马。”(《史记·秦始皇本纪》)In the eighth month Zhao Gao,eager to usurp power,made a test to see if the officials would obey him or not. He presented a stag to the emperor,describing it as a horse . The emperor said with a laugh. “Haven’t you made a mistake,prime minister? This is a stag,not a horse.”

指鹿为马zhi lu wei ma

call a stag a horse—deliberately misrepresent

指鹿为马zhǐ lù wéi mǎ

指着鹿说是马。比喻故意混淆是非,颠倒黑白。deliberately misrepresent, call a stag a horse, swear that black is white, deliberately deception





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