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Ⅰ ❶ (辅助的职务;担任辅助职务的人) assistant: 大 ~ first assistant on ship
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 通 Fu Tong Ⅱ (符合) fit;correspond to: 名 ~ 其实 reputation corresponds to reality Ⅲ ❶ (居第二位的;辅助的) second in office;deputy;vice-:~ 主席 vice-chairman;~ 总理 vice-premier;~ 部长 vice-minister;~ 董事长 vice-president;~ 经理 deputy manager;~ 市长 deputy mayor;~ 秘书长 deputy secretary-general;~ 主任 deputy director;~ 司令员 assistant commanding officer [commandant];~ 书记 deputy secretary;~ 领事 vice-consul;
❷ (附带的) auxiliary;subsidiary: ~ 产品 by-products;~ 作用 side effect Ⅳ ❶ (用于成套物):一 ~ 眼镜 a pair of glasses
❷ (用于面部表情): 一 ~ 笑脸 a smiling face;
一 ~ 严肃的面孔 a solemn look
另见 see also pì。
◆副版本 subedition;
副保证人 collateral surety;
副本 duplicate;repetition;copy;carbon;shadow;ditto;transcript;doubles;
副标题 sidehead;subtitle;subheading;
副产品 borderline product;coproduct;product by-pass;residual products;subsidiary product;residuum;spin-off;afterproduct;by-product;
副产物 accessory substances;by-product;
副词 {语} (in Chinese grammar) adverbial word,any of a class of words that are used mainly to modify a verb or an adjective;(in English grammar) adverb;
副导演 {剧} {影} assistant director;
副港 secondary port;
副歌 {音} refrain;
副工程师 assistant engineer;
副价 {化} secondary valence;auxiliary valency;
副驾驶员 {航空} copilot;second pilot;[口] kid;
副交感神经 {生理} parasympathetic;parasympathetic nerve;
副教授 associate professor;
副句 clause;
副卷 extra;subsidiary;
副刊 supplement;
副券 coupon;
副舌 {生} labella;
副食 non-staple food [foodstuffs];副食品 non-staple food;non-staple foodstuffs;
副食品补贴 (the) subsidy to offset the increased prices of non-staple foodstuffs;
副食品价格补贴 price subsidy for non-staple food;
副手 assistant;helper;
副题 subtitle;
副性器官 gonophore;
副研究员 associate research fellow;
副业 sideline [subsidiary] production;subsidiary business;side occupation;sideline;
副翼 {航空} aileron;
副枝 accessory branch;ramulus;
副职 the position of a deputy to the chief of an office,department,etc.;
副主教 suffragan;archdeacon;
副总工程师 deputy chief engineer;
副作用 side effect;by-effect;
副座 auxiliary seat

[书] (割裂, 剖分) cut open [apart]; split up
另见 see also fù。





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