释义 |
按ànⅠ ❶ (用手或手指压) press;push down:~ 电钮 press [push] a button;~ 门铃 ring a doorbell;~ 手印 put one's thumbprint (on a document,etc.); 她把盖子 ~ 了下去。 She pressed down the lid. ❷ (压住;搁下) leave aside;shelve:~ 下此事不提 leave this aside for the moment ❸ (抑制) restrain;control:~ 不住心头怒火 be unable to restrain [control] one's anger ❹ (用手压住不动) keep one's hand on;keep a tight grip on:~ 剑 put one's hand on the sword;~ 住操纵杆 keep a tight grip on the control lever ❺ [书] (考查;核对) check;refer to:有原文可 ~。 There's the original to refer to. Ⅱ (依照) according to; in accordance with;in the light of;on the basis of;on;unto;by:~ 成本 at cost;~ 质定价 fix the price according to the quality;~ 股分配 issues to shareholders;~ 年计算 per annum;~ 年代顺序 in chronological order;~ 我的意思 in my opinion;~ 姓氏笔划为序 in the order of the number of strokes in the surnames Ⅲ (经考核后下的论断) note:编者 ~ the editor's notes ◆按兵不动 halt the troops and wait;keep [remain] quiet; 按部[步]就班 follow the prescribed order;conform to ancient customs [style];Creep before you walk.;do sth. according to routine;first things first; 按键 key;keying;press key;push-button;button; 按扣 snap-fastener; 按劳分配 (distribute) to each according to his [her] work;distribution on the basis of labour;distribution according to work; 按劳取酬 recompense is made according to the amount of labour expended; 按脉 feel [take] the pulse;feeling pulse with pressure; 按摩 {中医} massage;chirismus;cheirapsis;chirapsia;tripsis; 按摩器 massager; 按捺不住 beside oneself (with excitement [anger;joy]);cannot control [contain] oneself;unable to contain any longer;cannot contain [control] one's excited feelings;cannot hold back;unable to hold oneself in check; 按钮 push-button;press-button;button;depressed button;gauge peg;hand [key;snap;pressure] button;operating lever latch knob;press knob;snap- fastener;thumbpiece; 按期 on time;on schedule; 按时 on time;on schedule; 按图索骥 look for a noble steed to correspond with the one drawn;follow up a clue to find sth.;follow up a lead to solve a problem;search after sth. according to the tracks; 按位 {计} step-by-step;positional; 按需分配 distribution according to one's needs;to each according to one's needs; 按[案]语 note;comment; 按月 monthly;per mensem; 按章办事 play the game;play fair; 按照 according to;in accordance with;in the light of;on the basis of; 按质论价 fix [determine] prices according to the quality (of commodities);base price on quality |