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单词 slate
释义 slate /sleit; slet/ n 1 [U] kind of blue-grey stone that splits easily into thin, flat layers; [C] one of these layers, square or oblong, used for roofs: 板石; 粘板岩; 石板; 石板瓦: hit on the head by a falling ~; 被落下的一块石片打在头上; 0 ~-covered roof; 石板瓦覆盖的房顶; ' ~-coloured, blue-grey; 灰蓝色的; a - quarry. 采板石场。 2 [C] sheet of ~ in a wooden frame for writing on (as for? merly used by school-children). 石板 (昔时学童书写用) 。 a dean ~, (fig) a good record: (喻) 好的记录: start with a clean ~, (fig) make a new start with past errors, enmities, etc, forgotten. (喻) 改过自新; 重新开始; 弃嫌言好。 '~club n (GB) club collecting small weekly contributions of money, usu saved until Christmas, when the total is distributed to members. (英) 每周缴出少数钱的互助会 (通常储存到圣诞节,全部用以分配于会员)。 'pencil n thin rod of soft ~, used for writing on ~ s (2). 石笔 (细而软之板石, 用于书写石板者) 。 W 1 [VP6A] cover (a roof, etc) with ~s. 以石板瓦盖 (屋顶等) 。 2 (US, colloq) propose (sb) for an office, a position, etc: (美俗) 提名 (某人) 担任公职、职务等: (newspaper headline) (报纸标题) Green ~d for the Presidency. 格林被提名为总统候选人。 3 [VP6A] (colloq) criticize severely (esp in a newspaper notice of a book, play, etc). (俗) 酷评 (尤指在报纸中的书籍、戏剧等的评述) 。 slaty adj Mot like ~; containing ~: 核石的; 似板石的; 含板石的: slaty coal. 含板石成分的煤。 slatting n adverse criticism: 批评; 酷评: give sb a sound slating. 痛责某人。




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