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❶ (城墙) city wall;wall: 长 ~ the Great Wall;~ 外 outside the city [city wall]
❷ (城墙以内的地方;城区) city: 东[西] ~ the eastern [western] part of the city;
内[外] ~ inner [outer] city
❸ (城市) town: ~ 乡差别 the difference between town and country;~ 乡商品交流 the interflow of commodities between the urban and rural areas
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 浑 Cheng Hun
◆城邦 city-state;polis;
城堡 castle;town;tower;barbacan;kasba;
城池 city wall and moat;city;
城堞 battlements;
城垛 battlement;
城防 the defence of a city;
城府 [书] shrewdness;subtlety;
城根 sections of a city close to the city wall;
城关 the area just outside a city gate;
城郭 inner and outer city walls;city walls;
城壕 moat;
城狐社鼠 foxes in the city walls and rats on the altars;those who prey upon the people and fatten themselves;petty fellows who rely on officials and underlings to prey upon common people;evil-doers with strong backing;
城隍 {道教} town god;tutelary genie of the cities;
城郊 outskirts;suburb;outskirts of a town;
城里 inside the city;in town;
城楼 a tower over a city gate;gate tower;
城门 (city) gate;
城门失火,殃及池鱼 When the city gate catches fire,the fish in the moat suffer from it — the innocent are involved.;A city fire causes calamity to pond fish.;A fire on the city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat.;be a scapegoat;In a disturbance innocent by-standers get into trouble.;Innocent people get into trouble on account of others' misfortune.;When the city burns,the fish in the moat suffer — victim of disaster of another's doing.;
城墙 (city) wall;
城区 the city proper;metropolitan area;urban area;
城阙 [书] the watch tower on either side of a city gate;
城市 city;town;[波斯] abad;conurbation;
城市绿化覆盖率 cover rate of urban green;
城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect;
城市商业网点 urban commercial network;
城市污染 city pollution;
城市污水处理 treatment of municipal sewage;
城市学 urbanology;
城市总体布局 urban structure plan;
城(市)运(动)会 city sports meet;
城头 on top of the city wall;
城下之盟 a treaty concluded with the enemy who have reached the city wall;sign a dishonourable peace as the defeated;terms accepted under duress;terms for surrender;treaty [contract] made [signed] under coercion;treaty signed below the city wall to avert destruction;
城厢 the city proper and areas just outside its gates;
城乡 town and country;city and countryside;urban and rural;
城垣 [书] city wall;
城镇 town;cities and towns





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