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单词 埋头苦干

埋头苦干mái tóu kǔ gàn

be devoted to work;be up to the elbows in work; bury oneself in one's work; keep one's nose to the grindstone; quietly immerse oneself in hard work; quietly put one's shoulder to the wheel; throw oneself into one's work;work doggedly,in silence
❍ 他有浓厚的虚荣心,不愿~,不愿做事务性技术性的工作。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》47) They are extremely vain,and are unwilling to immerse themselves in hard work or do routine or technical jobs. /……而大公无私,积极努力,克己奉公,~的精神,才是可尊敬的。(刘少奇 《论共产党员的修养》37) …While selflessness,working with all one's energy,whole-hearted devotion to public duty,and quiet hard work are the qualities that command rejpect.
❍ 他们~,艰苦朴素;办事认真,丝毫不苟;待人接物,和蔼可亲。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—493) They really throw themselves into their work and they lead hard,simple lives ; they do their work conscientiously and are never slipshod; and they're also very pleasant and approachable in their dealings with other peo ple. /我们自古以来,就有~的人,有拼命硬干的人,有为民请命的人,有舍身求法的人,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—97)Since ancient times we have had men who worked doggedly in silence,men who worked stubbornly at the risk of their lives,who strove to save others,who braved death to seek the truth…/老老实实地投到群众当中去吧! 老老实实地~吧! (杨沫《青春之歌》456) Go among the masses in earnest and work hard.


concentrate on one’s work;work hard with concentrated attention;quietly immerse oneself in hard work

埋头苦干mái tóu kǔ ɡàn

形容专心致志、非常认真地刻苦学习或工作。quietly put one’ shoulder to the wheel, busy oneself in hard work





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