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单词 simple
释义 simple /'simpl; 'simpl/ adj (-r, -st) 1 unmixed; not divided into parts; having only a small number of parts: M纯的浑一的; 简单的; 简易的: ~ substance; M 纯的物质; a ~ machine; 简单的机器; a ~ sentence, one without subordinate clauses. 简单句。 ~ interest, on capital only, not on accumulated interest. 单利(只对本金而不对其累积之利息所生者)。→ compound' (3). 2 plain; not much decorated or ornamented: 朴实的; 无甚装饰的: ~ food/cooking; 简单的食物(烹饪); a ~ style of architecture; 朴实的建筑风格; the ~ life, a way of living without luxuries, servants or artificial pastimes, or in the country, contrasted with cities. 简扑的生活(如乡居生活等)。 3 not highly developed: 未充分发展的: ~ forms of life. 未充分发展的生命形态。 4 easily done or understood; not causing trouble: 易做的; 易懂的; 不会引起困难的: written in ~ English; 以简单英文写出; a ~ task. 易做的工作。 5 innocent; straight-forward: 天真的; 直的; 老实的: behave in a pleasant and ~ way; 可爱而率真; as as a child; 像小孩一样天园的; ~ folk. 去实人。 ■~-'hearted adi frank. 坦白的; 率直的。 t ~-'minded adj a frank; unsophisticated. 穹直的; 不世故的。 b feeble-minded. 低能的。 6 inexperienced; easily deceived: 无经验的; 易受欺的: Are you ~ enough to believe everything your newspapers tell you? 你会蠢到相信报衮吿诉你的每一件事吗? I'm not so ~ as to suppose you like me. 我不致于笨到以为你喜欢我。 She's a ~ soul, innocent of guile. 她姑个没有心眼的人。 7 with nothing added; absolute: 纯然的; 绝对的: a ~ fact. 纯粹的事实。 pure and ~, (colloq) abso-lute(ly), unquestionably: (f) 绝对地; 无疑地 It's a case of kill or be killed, pure and ~. 这无疑是个杀人或被杀的情况。 n [C] (old use) herb used medicinally. (M 用法)草药。 simply /'simpli; sxm-ph/ adv 1 in a ~⑵ manner: 模素地; 朴实地; 无甚装饰地: live simply; 过摸实的生活; dress simply; 衣着朴素; simply dressed. 衣着朴素。2 completely; absolutely: 完全地; 绝对地: His pronunciation is simply terrible, is very bad indeed. 他的发音实在糟透了。 She looks simply lovely 她看起来十分可爱。 3 only; merely; nothing more nor less than: 仅;只;恰好电: This drink consists simply of fresh oranges. 这饮料仅含新鲜和汁。 You must believe me simply on my word, with nothing more than my assertion, without proof or evidbnce. 你必须完全亩信我的话。 It is simply a matter of working hard. . 此事只须努力做去。




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