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❶ (从嘴里出来) spit: ~ 核儿 spit out the pips [stone; pits]; ~ 痰 spit; expectorate
❷ (从口儿或缝儿里长出或露出) stick: ~ 舌头 stick out one's tongue; 蚕 ~ 丝。 Silkworm spins silk. 玉米谷子刚刚 ~ 穗。 The maize and millet were just putting forth ears.
❸ (说出来) say; tell; speak out: ~ 出一肚子的苦水 pour out all one's bitterness; ~ 字不清 pronounce indistinctly Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 气旺 Tu Qiwang
另见 see also tù。
◆吐哺握发 spat out a mouthful in the middle of eating and bound up one's hair in the midst of a bath in order to see visitors; one's eagerness to look for worthies and virtuous officials; 吐胆倾心 open one's heart wide and lay bare one's thoughts; speak out everything that is in one's heart; pour out one's heart; unbosom oneself; 吐蕃 Tibetan regime in ancient China; 吐缶 a surname;
吐刚茹柔 avoid the strong and bully the weak; 吐故纳新 get rid of the stale and take in the fresh; exhale the old and inhale the new; 吐和 a surname; 吐贺 a surname; 吐花 spewing; 吐火蛟龙 firedrake, firedragon; 吐口 tell; reveal (the truth); 吐口水 spitting ptysis; 吐鲁番 Turpan; 吐露 reveal; tell; 吐露心事 pour out one's heart; 吐露衷曲 outpour one's heart; unbosom oneself; come out with the truth; come out with what is in one's heart of hearts; 吐气 (松口气) feel elated after unburdening oneself of resentment; feel elated and exultant; give vent to pent-up feelings; {语} (送气) aspirated; 吐弃 spurn; cast aside; reject; 吐丝自缚 produce silk to trap oneself; 吐穗 {农} earing; heading; 吐絮 {农} opening of bolls; boll opening; blow-of-cotton; 吐字 words in singing; pronunciation in singing (声乐训练)

❶ (从嘴里涌出) vomit; throw up: 上 ~ 下泻 suffer from vomiting and diarrhoea
❷ (退还侵占的财物) disgorge; cough up: ~ 还赌赢的钱 cough up one's profits; disgorge one's illegal gains
另见 see also tǔ。
◆味沫 saliva; spittle; spit; 吐血 spitting blood; spit out blood; haematemesis; hematemesis; 吐泻 vomiting and diarrhoea






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更新时间:2025/2/1 1:04:00