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单词 side
释义 side1 /said; said/ n [C] (except 13 below) (下列第 13 义为不可数名词) 1 one of the flat or fairly flat surfaces of a solid object: (物体之平或相当木的) 面: the six ~s Of a cube. 立方袖的六亩。 2 one of the surfaces which is not the top or the bottom: 侧面 (物体之面不属于顶或底者): A box has a top, a bottom, and four ~s. 匣子有一顶,一底和四个面面。 3 one of the surfaces which is not the top, bottom, front or back: 侧 (物体之面不属于顶,底,前面或后面者): (attrib) (形容用法 ) the ~ entrance of the house (contrasted with the front or back entrance 房子的侧门 (与前门或后门相对) 。 4 (maths) one of the lines bounding a plane figure such as a rectangles or triangle. (驳学) 边。 5 either of the two surfaces of a thin, flat object or of material such as paper, cloth, anything manu-factured in sheets: (纸,希等平而薄南制点的) 面: Write on one ~ of the paper only. 只在纸的一面书写。 Which is the right ~ of the cloth, the ~ intended to be seen? 那一面是这块布的正面? 6 inner or outer surface of sth vertical, sloping, round or curved: (垂直物,倾斜物, 圆形物或弯曲物的) 内面; 外面: the ~ of a mountain; 山坡; put one's socks on the wrong ~ out (= inside out, the usu phrase); 反穿机子 (inside out 较常用); prehistoric paintings on the ~ (= walls) of a cave. 穴壁上的史前图画。 7 one of the two halves of a person on his left or right, esp from armpit to hip: (身体的) 侧边 (尤指腋至股之部分); 胁: wounded in the left ~. 左胁受伤。 Come and sit by/at my ~. 来坐在我的旁边。 ~ by ~, close together, for mutual support. 并肩地; 互相支持地。 split/burst one s ~ (laughing/with laughter), laugh heartily, 捧腹大笑。 Hence, 由此产生, ~ splitting adj causing hearty laughter. 令人捧腹大笑的。 by the ~ of; by one's ~, close to and compared with: 与 ... 在一起比较: she looks small by the ~ of her companion. 她与她的同伴站在一起,显得矫小。 8 one of the two halves of an animal from foreleg to hindleg, esp as part of a carcass: (尤指宰后之动物由前腿至后腿分开的) 半边躯渺; 肋肉: a ~ of beef/bacon. 牛的肋肉 (丑薰的猪肋肉) , 9 part of an object, area, space, etc away from, at a distance from, a real or imaginary central line: 物体,地区,空间等与 (真实的或想像的) 中心线离开的部分; 面; 方; 边: the left/right/shady/sunny ~ of the street; 街道的左面 (右面,背阳面,向阳面); the east ~ of the town; 城镇的东区; the debit/credit of an account. 帐簿中的信 (贷) 方。 He crossed to the far/the other ~ of the room. 他走向房间的另一丸 on/from all ~s; on/from every ~, in/from all directions; everywhere. 在 (从) 各方面; 到处。 take sb on one ~, take him aside, apart, eg to speak to him in confidence. 带某人到一五 (如单独和他讲话) 。 on the right/wrong ~ of (fifty, etc), below/above (50 years of age, etc).. 不电 (已过) (五十岁等) 。 (do sth) on the ~, a as a -line. 作为兼差或副业。→ sideline below. 参看下列之 sideline,, b secretly, discreetly: 秘密地; 谨慎地: He lived with his wife but regularly saw Julia on the ~. 他和妻子住在一起,但暗地里经常会见茱丽。 put sth on one ~, a put it aside, apart. 将某物置于一边。 b postpone dealing with it. 延缓处置;处应。 10 one of two groups or parties of people who are opposed (in games, politics, war, etc) or who uphold beliefs, opinions, etc against the other: (比赛的) 队; (政治的) 党; (敌对的) 一方; 集团; 派系: be on the winning/losing 属于胜 (败) 方; 加如 on both ~s; 咎在双方; to pick (= choose) ~s. 选择立场。 Austria has a strong ~, eg a good football team. 奥国有一支强劲的代表队 (如足球队) 。 be on sb's ~, be a supporter of him: 支挣某人: Whose ~ are you on, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be supporting me? 你到底在支持谁? Both countries claimed that God was on their ~, eg in a war. 两国均柄上帝站在他们的一方 (如在交战时) 。 let the '~ down, give an inferior performance and disappoint one's colleagues, team-mates, etc. 表现不佳而使其他同亨 (队友) 失望。 take ~s (with), support (sb, a party) in a dispute. (笔论中) 专护 (某人,某团体) 。 → side,off/ on ~, (football, hockey) in a position (for receiving or playing the ball) that is/is not contrary to the rules. (足球,曲棍球) 在不合 (合) 于规则的位置。 11 aspect or view that is not complete; aspect different from or opposed to other aspects: 不完全的方面或观点; 与其他方面不同或相对的一方面: look on the dark/bright/gloomy, etc ~ of things/life, etc; 看事物 (生命等) 的黑暗面 (光明面,暗澹面等); study all ~s of a question; 研究一问题的各方面; a man with many ~s to his character. 有多福性落的人。 There are two ~ to the story, two aspects. 这故事有两个说法。 on the 'high/ 'low. etc ~, rather high/low, etc: 相当高 (低弯): Prices offered for fat cattle were on the high ~. 购买肥牛所出的价钱相当高。 12 line of descent through a parent: 家系; 血统: a cousin on my father's ~. 父系的堂亲。 13 [U] (colloq) behaviour suggesting that one is better than other people; arrogance. (俗) 妄自尊大; 自负。 have no/be without ~, make no pretence, assumption, of being superior or important. 不点架子; 不自负。 put on ~, claim to be, behave as if one is, superior. M 架子; 自负。 14 (compounds, etc) (复合字等) ' ~- arms n pl swords or bayonets, worn at the left ~ by soldiers. (军人佩于左侧的) 佩剑; 刺刀; 随身武器。 , ~-board n table, usu with drawers and cupboards, placed against the wall of a diningroom. 餐具桌 (通常有抽屉和食柜,IS 于餐室之墙边); 餐具架。 '— burns/-boards n pl ~-whiskers. (蓄于两如岛) 侧须。 ' ~- car n small one-wheeled car fastened to the ~ of a motorcycle. (附于膜器脚踏车旁之) 独轮侧车。 '■ chapel n one in the aisle or at one ~ of a church. (教堂走廊或其 - 侧之) 附属礼拜堂。 2 the illus at church, 参看 church 之插图。 '~-dish n extra dish or course at a meal. (正菜外加的) 附加菜; 小菜。'drum n small, double-sided drum, (originally hung at the drummer's ~) in a jazz or military band. (爵士乐队或军乐队中早先挂在鼓手身边之) 小鼓。 '~effect n secondary or indirect effect, eg an undesirable effect of a drug used for a specific purpose. (药物等之) 副作用。 ~ face adv in profile: 侧面地: photograph sb ~-face. 拍摄某人之侧面照片。 '~-glance n look to or from one 斜视; 侧视。 issue n question of less importance (in relation to the main one). (与主题有关的) 次要问题。 '~Tight n light from or at the ~; (fig) incidental illumination, eg of a person's character, of a problem, etc. 侧光; 侧灯; (喻) (对某人性格或某一问题等的) 偶然启示; 间接说明。 ' ~- line n class of goods sold in addition to the chief class of goods; occupation which is not one's main work, 附带售资之货品; 副业; 兼职。 '~-lines n pl (space immediately outside) lines bounding a football pitch, tennis-court, etc at the ~s. (球场等之) 界线; 界线以外之地。 “ the —lines, (fig) merely as a spectator, not taking part. (喻) 做旁观者; 不参与。 '~Jong adj, adv (directed) to or from one ~: 横向的 (地); 斜向的 (地); 侧面的 (地): look ~ long at sb; 斜视某人; a ~ long glance. 斜视。 '~road n minor road branching off a main road. 叉路; 小道。 '-saddle n woman's saddle, made so that both feet may be on the same — of the horse. 偏座鞍; 横鞍; 女鞍。 adv on a ~-saddle: 偏座地; 在女鞍上: In former times most women used to ride ~-saddle. 从前大多数女子用偏座鞍骑马。 '~show n a small show at a fair or exhibition. 附属之表福; 杂耍。 b activity of small importance in relation to the main activity. 小活动; 附属事件。 ' ~- slip n a (motoring) s 《 id. (驾车) 横滑; 滑向一边。 b (flying) movement to one ~ instead of forward. (飞行) 侧滑。 vi (-pp-) make a ~-slip. 横滑; 侧滑。 ~ sman /-zman; -zman / n (pl -men) church helper who shows people to their seats, takes up the collection, etc. (M 堂之) 助手 (带领礼拜者就座,收集捐款等) 。 '~step n step taken to one ~ (eg to avoid a blow in boxing). 侧步; 横步 (如在拳击中骁开打击等) 。 vt, vi (-pp-) [VP6A] avoid (a blow, etc) by stepping to one ~; evade (a question); [VP2A] step to one ~. 走侧步以避免 (打击等); 规避 (问题等); 走侧步。 '~stroke n (kinds of) stroke used in swimming in which one ~ is above and the other below the water. 侧泳。 '~-track n railway siding; branch road. (M 路之) 侧线滂轨。 vt [VP6A] turn (a train) into a siding; (fig) turn (a person) from his purpose; postpone consideration of (a proposal, etc). 将 (火车) 转入侧线; (喻) 转移 (某人) 的目标; 缓议 (提案等) 。 ' ~-view view obtained from the ~. 侧景; 侧面图。 '~walk n (chiefly US; GB 英 = pavement) path at the ~ of a street for persons on foot. (主美) 人行道。 ~.wards /-wadz; -wwdz/ ~ways /-wexz; -Zwez/ adv to, towards, f rom, the ~; with the ~ or edge first: 斜着; 斜向一边地; 自一边地; 一边向前地: look ~ ways at sb; 斜视某人; walk/carry sth ways through a narrow opening; 侧着身子走过 (携物经过) 狭窄的通道; (attrib) directed to one -. (形容用法) 冈旁边的; 横斜的。 -whiskers n pl hair on the ~s of the face down to, but excluding, the chin. (蓄于两颊之) 侧须; 络腮胡子。 → beard, -sided /-saidid; -'saidid/ suff having a specified number of ~s: 着 (若干) 边的: a 'five- ~d figure. 五边形。




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