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单词 shoulder
释义 shoulder /'jaulda (r); 'Joldw/ n 1 that part of the body of a human being or animal where an arm or foreleg is joined to the trunk (cthe illus at trunk), or where the wing of a bird joins its neck; curve from this point to the neck: 肩 (人之臂与驱干相连处,兽之前肢与躯体相连处,参看 trunk 之插图,鸟之翅膀与颈部相连处); 肩部; 肩膀 (肩颈间之弯曲部): This coat is narrow across the ~s. 这外衣的有部狭窄。 He has one ~ a little higher than the other. 他的一肩比另一肩略高。 ~ to ~, side by side and touching; (fig) united. 并肩; (喻) 协力; 团结。 give sb the cold ~, cold' ⑴ . put one's ~ to the wheel, work energetically at a task. 努力工作。 stand head and ~ above (others), be considerably taller (or, fig, mentally or morally better) than. 远高于 (他人); (喻,在智力或道德上) 远胜过。 straight from the ~, (fig, of criticism, rebukes, etc) frankly put. (喻, 指批评、责难等) 率直的; 直陈的。 ~-blade n either of the flat bones of the upper back, behind and below the neck. 肩胛骨。 → the illus at skeleton. 参看 skeleton 之插图。 '~-strap n a narrow strap on the ~ of a military uniform (with badges of rank, etc). 军人的肩章; 肩徽 (附有阶级标志) 。 b ribbon which passes over a woman's ~ and supports a gar ment (挂在女人肩上用以吊住衣服的) 肩带。 '~-flash n strip of material on the ~ of a military uniform, with a coloured patch as the distinguishing emblem of a division, etc. 军服之肩饰 (有彩色之小片用作识别某师等之标帜) 。 2 (pl) part of the back between the two ~s (1): (复) 背的上部: give a child a ride on one's ~s; 馏小 / 骑在肩膀上; shift the blame to other ~s, let others take the blame. 把责任推给别人承担。 have broad ~s, be able to bear much weight or (fig) responsibility. 能肩负重担; (喻) 可负重任。 3 ~like part of a bottle, tool, mountain, etc. (瓶,器具,山等的) 肩状部分。 hard ~,hard surface at the side of a roadway (espa motorway). (高速公路等靠边的) 硬路面。 vt 1 [VP6A] take on the ~(s) (lit and fig): 肩负 (字面及喻): ~ a burden/a task/the responsibility for sth. 负担重物 (工作,某事之责任) 。 ~ arms, (mil) move the rifle to an upright position in front of the right ~ (军) 使枪口朝上垂直地托于右肩前; 托枪。 2 [VP15A] push with the make (one's way) thus: 以肩逼; 挤 (路): ~ people aside; 用肩膀把人们推开; be ~ed to one side; 被挤在一旁; ~ one's way through a crowd. 从人丛中椭过。




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