释义 |
质权pledge right 为担保债务的履行,债务人或者第三人将其动产出质给债权人占有的,债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现~的情形,债权人有权就该动产优先受偿。For the security of the payment of debts an obligor or a third party may pledge his/its chattels to the obligee for occupation,and when the obligor fails to pay due debts or any circumstance for realizing the pledge right as stipulated by the parties happens,the obligee has the right to seek preferred payments from the pledged chattels./前款规定的债务人或者第三人为出质人,债权人为~人,交付的动产为质押财产。The “debtor”or“third” party as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be the pledger,the “oblige” shall be the pledge,and the “chattels” as delivered shall be the pledged property./动产~ chattel pledge/权利~right pledge |