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单词 since


1.since then,after that time,ever since,subsequent-ly从那时起,从那时以后,以后,后来。
△Mac.3.4.77(76):“Ay,and since too,murders have been performed /Too terrible for the ear.”嗳,就是在那以后,也发生过骇人听闻的凶杀。
△Lr.5.1.2:“Or whether since he is ad-vised by aught / To change the course.”再不然后来是否由于什么原因而引起他改变了方针。
△2H.VI.4.2.93 (82):“for I did but seal once to a thing,and I was nevermine own man since.”i.e. my own master. 因为我只要在什么文件的封蜡上签字盖印,我这个人从此就再也不属于我自己了。
△2H.VI.5.1.62:“And fight against that mon-strous rebel Cade,/Who since I heard to be discomfi>ted.”并且要与那穷凶极恶的叛逆凯德进行战斗,不过后来听说他已经被打败了。
△R.III.2.4.14:“And since,methinks I would not grow so fast,/ Because sweet flowers areslow and weeds make haste.”从那时候起,我想我就不愿意长得那么快,因为香花迟迟发,杂草快快长。
2. ago,before now 以前。
△Com.4.1.65: “I gave ityou half an hour since.” 半点钟以前我就把它交给你了。
△Tw.1.2.34 (36): “a count / That died some twelvemonth since.” 约在一年前死去的一位伯爵。
△2H.IV.3.1.60: “It is but eight years since / ThisPercy was the man nearest my soul,”仅仅八年以前,这个波西还是我最亲密的心腹。
△1H.VI.4.3.35: “who twohours since / I met in travel to-ward his warlike fa-ther.”两小时以前我在路上遇见他正奔往他那英勇的父亲而去。
△R.III.1.2.241 (239):“Hath she forgot already thatbrave prince. / Edward,her lord,whom I,somethree months since,/ Stabbed in my angry mood atTewksbury?”大约三个月以前,在条克斯伯雷,我在一怒之下刺死了她的夫君,那位勇敢的王子爱德华,难道她已经忘记了吗?
long since: long ago,long past;since a long time,al-ready a long time很久以前;很久以来,已经很久。
△1H.VI.3.4.20:“Long since we were resolved of your truth,”很久以来我就对于你的忠心确信不疑。
since night: a night since,i.e. a night ago,last night一个晚上以前,昨晚。
△Mid.3.2. 275: “Since night youloved me; yet since night you left me.”昨晚你还在爱我;但是昨晚你又离开了我。


prep. since when: since which time从那时候以来。
△3H.VI.2.2.89:“Since when his oath is broke;”在那以后,他的誓言被毁弃了。


1. when当…时。
△Mid.2.1.149: “Since once I sat upon a promontory,”当时我坐在一个海岬上。
△Rom.1.5.39 (35):“’Tis since the nuptial of Lucentio,”那是在路森修结婚的那年。
△2H.IV.3.2.208 (194): “O SirJohn,do you remember since we lay all night in theWindmill in Saint George's Field?”啊,约翰爵士,你可记得我们曾在圣乔治广场的“风车”里过的那个通宵吗?
△2H.VI.3.1.9: “We know the time since he was mild andaffable,/ And if we did but glance a far-off look,/Immediately he was upon his knee,/ That all thecourt admired him for submission.”我们还记得从前那时候,我们只要远远地看他一眼,他就马上屈膝下跪,全朝廷的人都对他的恭顺有礼感到惊异。
△Oth.5.2.39: “Since guiltless I knownot; but yet I feel I fear.”因为自己无罪,我不知为什么要害怕;但是我觉得害怕。





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