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单词 runner
释义 runner prAnXr); 'r-vnv/ n 1 person, animal, etc that runs: 奔成乏人,兽等: How many ~s were there in the Derby? 赛马大会中有多少马出赛呀? .—'up n person or team taking the second place in a competition. 竞赛中之第二名; 亚军。 2 messenger, scout, collector, etc: 信差, 侦察兵,收税员等: Bow Street ~, (hist) police-officer. (史) 篝官。 3 (in compounds) smuggler: (用于复合字中) 冠运者: 'gun- ~ $, 私运军火者; ~s. 偷运私酒者。 blo ckade- ~, person who tries to get through the forces that are blockading a port, etc. 试图突破港口等之封锁线者。 4 part on which sth slides or moves along: 滑行或移动的部分: the ~s of a sledge. 雪橇的滑行板。 5 long piece of cloth (for a table, etc); long piece of carpet, eg for stairs. (铺在桌子等上的) 长条饰布; (铺在楼梯等上的) 长地毯。 6 stem coming from a strawberry plant and taking root; kinds of twining bean-plant: 匐枝; 匍匐茎; 盘绕而生的豆类植物: scarlet ~s; ~ beans. 红花菜豆。 cthe illus at vegetable. 参看 vegetable 之插图。




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