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单词 root
释义 root1 /rii: t; rut/ n [C] 1 that part of a plant, tree, etc which is normally in the soil and which takes water and food from it: (植物之)根: pull up a plant by the ~s. 将一植物连疯技起。 He has no ~s in society, (fig) is not settled, does not belong to any particular group or place. (喻) 他在社会上没有根基。 pull up one's ~s, (fig) move from a settled home, job, etc to start a new life elsewhere. (喻)离开固定的居所、工作等而在别处开始新的生活。 put down new ~s, (fig) establish oneself in another place after leaving a place where one has been established. (喻)建立新的生活、 居所等; 另起 炉灶。 take/strike ~, a (eg of a cutting) send out a ~ or ~s; begin to grow. (指插枝等)生根; 扎根; 开始生长。 b (fig) become established. (nK) 固定; 确立。 ~ and branch, (fig) thoroughly; completely: (喻)彻底地; 完全地: This tyrant and his henchmen must be destroyed ~ and branch. 这暴君及其亲信必须彻底制除。 2 ~s,' ~-crop, plant with a ~ that is used as food, eg made from the ~s of various plants. (美)菜根汽水(一种由多种菜根制成,不含酒精,味道像沙士的饮料)。 carrots, turnips, parsnips. 根菜作物(例如胡萝卜,罗卜,防风草根等) 。 ~ beer, (US) non-alcoholic drink 3 that part of a hair, tooth, the tongue, a fingernail, etc that is like a ~ in position, function, etc. 发根,齿根,舌根,指甲根等; 位置, 作用等似根之部分。 4 (fig) that from which sth grows; basis; source; essential substance: (喻)根源; 基础; 泉源; 主要实质: the ~ of the trouble. 苦恼的根源。 Is money the ~ of all evil? 金钱果真为万恶之源? get at/to the ~ of sth, tackle it at its source. 深究一事之根源。 the ~ cause, the fundamental cause. 金本原商。 5 (gram) (also 亦作 base form) form of a word on which other forms of that word are said to be based: (文法)宇根: ,Walk' is the ~ of 'walks', 'walked', 'walking', and 'walker,, walk 为 walks, walked, walking 及 walker 的字根。 6 (arith) quantity which, when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, produces another quantity: (算术)根: 4 is the square (= second) ~ of 16 (/16 =s 4), the cube (= third) ~ of 64 (》 64 = 4), the fourth ~ of 256 (〃 256 = 4). 4 为 16 之平方根,64 之立方根,256 之四次方根。




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