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单词 reservation
释义 reservation /.reza'veifn; , rer'vessn/ n 1 [U] keeping or holding back; failure or refusal to express sth that is in one's niind; [C] that which is kept or held back: 隐藏; 保留; 隐藏或保留之事物: accept sth without ~, wholeheartedly, completely; 不保留地接受某事物; accept a plan with ~s, with limiting conditions; 有条饨地接受一计划; central ~ of a motorway, land dividing the two carriageways. 高速公路双向车道间的分隔地带。 2 [C] (US) area of land reserved for a special purpose. (美) 留待专用之土地; 保留地。 reserve' (5). 3 [C] (esp US) travel arrangement to keep sth for sb, eg a seat in a train or aircraft, a passage on a ship, a room in a hotel: (尤美) 预定; 保留 (如火车或班机之座位、轮船之舱位、旅馆之房间): My travel agents have made all the ~s fdr my journey. 我的旅行经纪人已为我把行程中的一切安排好了。 rbook”2), for GB usages. 4 R ~ of the Sacrament, practice of keeping back part of the bread used in the Eucharist for later use, eg at the home of a sick person. 在圣餐礼中保留部分面包以备在病人家中等食用的习惯。




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