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单词 rain
释义 rain2 /rein; ren/ vi, vt 1 (impers) : (无人称): It was ~ing, ~ was falling. 正祝下雨。 It has ~ed itself out, has stopped ~ing. 雨停了。 ~ cats and dogs. -■ very hard. ■ 降倾盆大雨。 It never but it pours, (prov) Things, usu unwelcome, do not come singly but in numbers, eg if one disaster happens, another will follow. (诸) 雨不下则已,一下倾盆; 灾祸接踵而至; 祸不单行。 2 [VP2C] fall in a stream: 洒落: Tears down her cheeks. 她泪流满面。 Misfortunes have ~ed heavily upon the old man. 那老人接连遭遇不幸。 3 [VP14] ~ sth on/upon, send or come down on: 使降下; 落下: He ~ed blows/Blows ~ed on the door. 他 (看人) 连连敲门。 The people ~ed gifts upon the heroes returning from the war. A 们纷纷送礼物给那些战罢筑来的英雄。




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